Print Date:113/07/27 07:49

  Chapter 3 Provision of Number Portability

   Section 1 Porting Process of Subscribers

Article 4
The service agreement between a Operator and its Subscribers shall, in a distinct way, expressly state the following items:
1. Subscriber may request for the provision of Number Portability.
2. In order to provide Number Portability, Operators may offer a Subscriber's data necessary for the provision of Number Portability to other telecommunication enterprises and the Administrator of Concentrated Databases.
3. Operators may charge fees for the porting process of Number Portability.
Operator using mobile phone numbers shall provide appropriate ways for its subscribers to make queries on whether the mobile phone numbers are related to services provided by the originating operator.
Article 5
Operators shall perform the porting process of Ported Subscribers in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Recipient Operator shall provide Number Portability in accordance
with the application filed by the Ported Subscribers. The application shall be a part of the agreement and shall be deemed as the application to Donor Operator to terminate the service agreement.
2. The Recipient Operator shall co-ordinate with the Ported Subscriber to arrange for the date and time of the proposed cutover.
3. Recipient Operator shall report to the Concentrated Databases Administrator at least 4 working days before the scheduled cutover date and provide the application information in Subparagraph 1 to the Donor Operator.
4. The Donor Operator shall confirm the date and time of the cutover with the Recipient Operator after receiving the information in the preceding paragraph and report to the Concentrated Databases Administrator and the Executing Authority of Communications Supervision. The Recipient Operator may co-ordinate with the Subscriber and the Donor Operator to change the cutover date and time if necessary, and inform the Concentrated Databases Administrator. The Donor Operator shall inform to the Executing Authority of Communications Supervision after confirming the changes in the scheduled cutover date and time.
5. The Recipient Operator shall co-ordinate with the Donor Operator to carry out testing for the local loop and relevant equipment prior to the confirmed cutover date and time.
6. After successful completion of cutover process, the Recipient Operator shall report to the Concentrated Databases Administrator and the Executing Authority of Communications Supervision.
7. The Donor Operator may refuse to provide Number Portability for the Subscribers whose communications services have been terminated due to arrears of service fees, violations of laws and regulations or violations of the service agreement. The Donor operator may provide Number Portability for the Subscribers, after
the Subscribers performed their obligations related to the agreed payment for early termination and terminate of the agreement.
8. The Donor Operator shall not engage in win-back activities during the period of porting process.
The Recipient Operator may transmit the data required in Subparagraph 4 of preceding paragraph by electronic means to shorten the time of the porting process. However, the electronic transmission adopted by the Recipient Operator may not be operated without the admission of the Committee referred to in Article 7.
The Recipient Operator transmitting the data required in Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1 of preceding paragraph by electronic means shall guarantee the content transmitted to be correct, and shall be responsible for all liabilities resulting from incorrect contents. Where the Recipient Operator and the Donor Operator have reached other agreements regarding the application information in Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1, such agreements shall prevail.
If any difficulty is encountered in the porting process as set forth in Paragraph 1, the Recipient Operator shall co-ordinate with the Donor Operator to resolve the problems and notify the Subscriber applying for porting. Before the porting process has been successfully completed, the Recipient Operator shall maintain original telecommunications services for Subscribers thereof until the porting process has been completed.
The notifications to the Concentrated Databases Administrator and the Executing Authority of Communications Supervision as referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1. Notifications to the Concentrated Databases Administrator:
(1)Recipient Operator: the telephone number of Ported Subscribers, the name of the Donor Operator and the Recipient Operator, the proposed and completed cutover date and time.
(2)Donor Operator: the telephone number of Ported Subscribers,
the name of the Donor Operator and the Recipient Operator, and the agreed cutover date and time.
2. Notifications to the Executing Authority of Communications Supervision:
(1)Donor Operator: the telephone number of Ported Subscribers, the name of the Donor Operator and the Recipient Operator, and the agreed cutover date and time.
(2)Recipient Operator: the telephone number of Ported Subscribers, the name of the Donor Operator and the Recipient Operator, and the completed cutover date and time.

   Section 2 Providing Telecommunications Services for Subscribers Receiving the Telecommunication

Article 6
The originating Operator shall provide communications services for subscribers receiving the telecommunication by accessing routing information through database queries.
The ways of database queries in the preceding paragraph include:
1. The Originating Operator shall access routing information from the Ported Subscriber Database before the communications links are set up.
2. The Originating Operator shall access routing information from the Ported Subscriber Database through connection with other telecommunication enterprises.
The Databases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs shall not be the Concentrated Databases, except as otherwise in other laws and regulations or in emergency situation that has been granted by the competent authority.
The Originating Network as referred to in the Paragraph 1 means that the Operator of the originating Ported Subscriber. However, when operator’s subscribers conduct the following communications, obligations under
Paragraph 1 shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the subparagraphs:
1. Long-distance telecommunication: Telecommunication enterprises providing long-distance telecommunication services.
2. International Voice-based Telecommunications Universal Service: Telecommunication enterprises providing international voice-based telecommunications universal services.
The Originating Operator may commission other Operator to implement the proceedings as referred to in Paragraph 1, the commissioned Operator may charge for relevant fees from the Originating Operator.
When telecommunication enterprises that does not provide international telecommunication service obtain routing information for international non-voice-based telecommunications universal service, the provision and fee for routing information in Paragraph 1 shall be negotiated between the Recipient Operator and other Operators or third parties.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations