Print Date:113/09/21 09:03

  Chapter 4 Qualification of Use, Management and Limitations

Article 23
For a radio station that is established by establisher according to the approved network establishment proposal and issued a radio station license, the network test self-evaluation report shall be completed and submitted to the competent authority for approval; the station shall not be operated until it is approved by the competent authority and the network inspection approval certificate issued.
Article 24
An application for replacement with the reason(s)specified shall be submitted to the competent authority for lost or damaged radio station license; an application for renewal shall be submitted for changes of information provided in the license.
The expiration date of the replaced or renewed radio station license and certificate in the preceding paragraph shall be the same as that of the previous approval or license.
The radio station license shall not be leased, loaned, transferred or designated with guarantee burden to any individual.
Article 25
For the change of any following in the network establishment proposal, the reason shall be stated and the cross-reference and description of contents of change, and the revised network establishment proposal shall be submitted to the competent authority for approval:
1. Configuration of radio frequency use;
2. Areas of establishment;
3. Configuration of radio station establishment.
The application for change of network establishment proposal may be exempted provided that the change mentioned in Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph does not exceed the areas of establishment in the originally approved network establishment proposal, or no new brand or model of radio station transmitter is added and the frequency, bandwidth and power output do not exceed the ranges approved in the frequency use certificate.
For the network structure of a revised network establishment proposal, the reason shall be stated and the cross-reference and description of contents of change, and the revised network establishment proposal shall be submitted to the competent authority for reference.
Article 26
For the change of radio frequency use configuration or areas of establishment in the network establishment proposal, the frequency us certificate shall be replaced with the approval of the competent authority; the period of validity is the same as that of the replaced certificate.
An application for approval and inspection of radio station establishment shall be submitted to the competent authority pursuant to Articles 13 through 17 or Articles 18 through 23 after the frequency use certificate is issued as mentioned in the preceding paragraph; the radio station license and network inspection approval certificate shall be renewed upon the approval of inspection; the period of validity is the same as that of the renewed ones and shall not exceed that of frequency use certificate.
For the change of frequency, bandwidth, transmission power, place of establishment or brand or model or transmitter in the radio station which does not exceed the contents in the originally approved network establishment proposal, the establisher shall apply for the radio station establishment approval; the station shall not be operated until it is approved in the inspection and the network inspection approval certificate and radio station license are renewed; the period of validity is the same as that of the renewed license and shall not exceed that of frequency use certificate.
Article 27
The period of validity of a dedicated radio station license is five(5)years at most and shall not exceed that of the frequency use certificate.
The establishers who still intend to operate the radio station after expiration of the radio station license shall apply to the competent authority for renewal of radio station license in one(1)months starting from two(2)months prior to the expiration; the renewed license becomes valid from the next day that the original license expires.
For the application for license renewal mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may request an inspection as appropriate; the radio station license shall be renewed by the competent authority upon passing the inspection.
Article 28
The establisher shall store or supervise the destruction of radio station equipment pursuant to the Administrative Regulations Governing the Manufacture, Import, and Application of Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices in one of the following circumstances:
1. An application has been submitted for return of radio frequency before the frequency use certificate expires, and the competent authority revokes the frequency use certificate and network establishment proposal and withdraws the radio station license;
2. The frequency use certificate or radio station license has expired;
3. The operation of radio station has been terminated and the competent authority withdraws the radio station license;
4. The radio station license is not acquired before the approved period of validity reaches the end for radio station establishment.
Article 29
The emission of radio frequency by radio station shall be accurate and stable. The bandwidth and allowable tolerance shall comply with the applicable requirements set forth in the Regulations Governing the Use of Radio Frequencies and spurious emission and harmonic interference shall be avoided.
Article 30
The emission of radio frequency by radio station shall not cause harmful interference to radio navigation guide/aid or any other frequency used for legal communications.
Article 31
For the transmission of MMSI number by a radio station established outside of a ship and used for navigation aid, an application for distribution shall be submitted to the competent authority.
The following documents shall be provided for the application mentioned in the preceding paragraph:
1. Application form;
2. Radio station establishment approval or radio station license.
The name, address, telephone number of the applicant and the location of radio station establishment shall be stated in the application form mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
For the terminated use of MMSI number or withdrawal of radio station license, the MMSI number originally distributed shall not be used.
For the MMSI number distributed by the competent authority, an application for change shall be submitted to the competent authority for change of applicant, address or location of radio station in the original application form.
For the application for distribution of MMSI number for academic research, technical research and development or experiment(testing), an application for project approval may be submitted to the competent authority and the approval is valid for five(5)years. When necessary, an application for extension may be submitted with reason stated in a written form in one(1)month starting from two(2)months before the expiration and the extension is valid for five(5)years at most.
The competent authority may delegate the distribution of MMSI numbers to the competent authority of navigation.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations