Print Date:113/07/16 17:52

I. The technical specifications and approval inspection guidelines are based on Mobile Telecommunications Business Regulations number 5 and 37.
II. Responsible Institution: National Communications Commission(hereafter named NCC)
Processing Organization: NCC 's Public Telecommunications Department
Inspection Organization: Government agencies’, nonprofit institutions’, or registered companies' testing laboratories(hereafter named Test Labs.)which are conducting similar business and are under licensing agreement with NCC .
III. The base station RF equipment and mobile equipment includes:
1. Digital low-tier(low -power)wireless telephone communications equipment
2 .Trunking radio telephone system
3. Mobile data communications system
4. Radio wireless paging system
5. Mobile telephone system
IV. Application Procedures:
1. The applicant shall submit sample equipment to Test Labs for equipment inspection(If the Test Lab can not perform the inspection, the applicant shall ask other test lab which is certified by foreign certification institutions for inspection)and to receive an equipment testing report. The testing report shall minimally include the basic testing items specified in section six.
2. The applicant shall submit his inspection application to the processing organization with all the proper Ids and documents as specified in section 5.
3. Inspection flow chart is specified in Appendix 1.
V. Required Ids and documents for a base station RF equipment inspection application:
1. Inspection application form(see Appendix 2)
2. Photo copy of applicant related IDs:
Equipment is domestic product:
(1). Applicant is an equipment manufacturer: The applicant shall submit the company license, business registration license or manufacture registration license and telecommunications restricted /controlled equipment business approval license.
(2). Applicant is either an equipment agent or an equipment distributor: The applicant shall submit the company license, business registration license, agent or distributing licensing agreement and equipment manufacturer's company license, business registration license, manufacturer registration license, and telecommunications restricted /controlled equipment business approval license.
Equipment is foreign product:
The applicant shall submit the company license, business registration license, telecommunications restricted /controlled equipment business approval license, and telecommunications equipment import passport.
3. Inspection equipment related document:
(1). An original and a photocopy of the equipment inspection report; the original equipment inspection report will be returned to the applicant after review.
(2). The operation manuals and specifications document
(3). Equipment model and five(5)4x5” or larger both equipment/product color photographs for both equipment front and rear sides.(must clearly show brandname, & model)
(4). Electronic circuit block diagram
VI. Basic equipment inspection items and technical specifications:
(1). Base station RF equipment basic inspection testing items and technical specifications are specified in Appendix 3.
(2). If the equipment submitted for approval using the newest technology or using standards generated by foreign standard institutions and Appendix 3 does not list the basic functional test items for the equipment or the test results do not comply with the technical specifications listed in Appendix 3, the applicant can submit complete technical documents or standard technical specifications generated by foreign standard institution together with test reports(as specified in section 4.1)provided by Test Lab to the NCC processing organization for review.
VII. Inspection fee:
Inspection fee will be based on the standard mobile telecommunications business fee structure. Applicant shall submit his inspection application to the DGT processing organization .The processing organization will issue an invoice and the application shall submit the inspection fee to the NCC secretary Division Treasure Department. There will be no inspection fee refund after the application submission.
VIII. Inspection Certificate Issuance:
If the applicant's Ids and documents are compliant with the regulations, an inspection certificate as specified in Appendix 5 will be issued to the applicant.
Note: The inspection certificate is only responsible for the basic testing items and does not provide warranty for equipment functions, quality and other testing items.
VIIII. Inspection Certificate Cancellation:
(1). Any pattern issues related to the inspection equipment will be the applicant's responsibility. If there is any dispute on the pattern issues and the applicant loses the case in the court, the inspection certificate will be cancelled by the NCC .
(2). If the applicant closes his business, the inspection certificate will be cancelled by the NCC .
(3). The for sale equipment manufacture model shall be the same as the equipment submitted for inspection. Otherwise, the inspection certificate will be cancelled.
(4). The NCC reserves the right to re-inspect the certified equipment. If the re-inspection is found non-compliant and no improvement is made with three months after the notice is issued, the inspection certificate will be cancelled.
(5). The inspection certificate for any sold equipment will not be void because of conditions under item 1 to 3.
(6). No re-inspection can be applied for any equipment that the inspection certificate is cancelled by the NCC within six months from the cancellation date.
VV. Others:
(1). Different model and functions equipment shall have separate inspection applications.
(2). The NCC processing organization reserves the right to ask the applicant to submit the equipment for inspection.
(3). If the NCC processing organization has any questions on the test report certified by a foreign inspection institution, the NCC can ask the applicant to resubmit the equipment to other foreign test lab for equipment inspection. The applicant will pay this inspection fee.
(4). For inspection certified equipment, the applicant shall follow the inspection sticker example as indicated in the inspection certificate to replicate additional sticker or to print the sticker at the equipment visible spot.
(5). If equipment's design is modified for a certified product, this modified equipment shall be re-inspected. However, if only equipment outlook appearance(such as color)change and equipment model and functions remain the same, with the permission of NCC , it will not be required to do the re-inspection.
(6). For any inspection-certified equipment, the procedures for equipment import, sale, installation and operations shall follow related telecommunications regulations.
(7). The NCC shall be notified if the applicant changes his address.
VVI. This technical specifications and inspection guidelines(and future revision)will be effective after the approval of the NCC .
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations