Print Date:113/07/16 17:42

1 Terminology
1.1 Radio frequency (RF) energy: Electromagnetic energy at any frequency in the radio spectrum, located in the frequency range between 9 kHz and 300 GHz.
1.2 Carrier: Radio frequency energy generated by Low power radio frequency devices before modulation. In other words, the carrier wave without being modulated.
1.3 Spurious emissions: Emissions on a frequency (or frequencies) which are outside the necessary bandwidth and the level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of information. Spurious emissions include harmonic emissions, parasitic emissions, intermodulation products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out-of-band emissions.
1.4 Out-of-band emissions: Due to modulation process, emissions on a frequency (or frequencies) which are outside the necessary bandwidth. The spurious emission is exclusive.
1.5 Unwanted emissions: Encompass spurious emissions and out-of-band emissions.
1.6 Necessary bandwidth: Under regulations, the bandwidth required to ensure necessary speed and quality of transmitted information.
1.7 Instantaneous frequency: The time rate of change in phase in radians divided by 2π; the unit is Hz.
1.8 Peak frequency deviation: Half of the range between the maximum and minimum values of the instantaneous frequency.
1.9 Harmful interference: Any emission, radiation or induction that endangers the functioning of a radio navigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radio communications service operation served by legal radio communication business enterprise.
1.10 Damped waves: The strength of the radio wave increases rapidly and then decreases gradually until nil.
1.11 Effective Radiated Power (ERP): The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction.
1.12 Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP): The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain.The antenna gain is expressed relative to an ideal (theoretical) isotropic antenna.
1.13 Maximum Conducted Output Power:The total transmitting power delivered to all antennas and antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the transmitter is operating at its maximum power control level. The average must not include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or is transmitting at a reduced power level. If multiple modes of operation are possible, the maximum conducted output power is the highest total transmit power occurring in any mode.
2 General requirements
2.1 The low-power radio-frequency devices shall be self-contained with no external or readily accessible controls which may be adjusted to permit operation in a manner inconsistent with the provisions.
2.2 Antenna requirement: Low-power radio frequency transmitter or transceiver(receiver) shall utilize a permanently, semi-permanently attached antenna or uses a unique coupling of the antenna and at any cable connector between the transmitter and the antenna. The antenna shall be an omni-directional type. The manufacturer may design the unit so that the user can replace a broken antenna, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector or other than authorized is prohibited. Such standard connectors are for example: BNC, F type, N type, M type, UG type, RCA, SMA, SMB, and other standard type antenna connectors.
2.3 For Low-power radio-frequency devices that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall be less than or equal the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 [mu]H/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network (LISN). The lower limit applies at the boundary between the frequency ranges.
Note: Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.
2.4 Low-power radio-frequency devices that produce damped waves are prohibited.
2.5 Low-power radio-frequency devices must not be altered by changing the frequency, enhancing emission power, adding an external antenna, and modification of original design characteristic or function.
2.6 The operation of the low-power radio-frequency devices shall be subject to the conditions that no harmful interference is caused. The user must cease operating the device immediately should harmful interference be caused and shall not resume until the condition causing the harmful interference has been corrected.
Moreover, the interference must be accepted that it may be caused by the operation of authorised communications, or ISM equipment.
2.7 Additional regulations shall apply except for this standard. The fundamental frequency of any low-power radio-frequency devices shall be restricted in any of the operation bands listed below; spurious emissions shall be permitted in any of frequency band listed below and shall meet the field strength requirement of 2.8:
2.8 Additional regulations shall applyexcept for this standard, the emissions from the low-power radio-frequency devices shall be less than or equal the field strength levels specified in the following table and the level of any unwanted emissions shall not exceed the level of the fundamental emission.
The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2.9 The field strength radio frequency 9-90 kHz, 110-490 kHz and 1000 MHz above stipulated in the above table shall be measured according to an average detector and comply with Section 5.15.2, while others shall be measured using a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Those not specified above shall comply with Section 5.5 and the frequency bands measurement of radiated emission shall accord with Section 5.14.
2.10 The low-power radio-frequency devices on the market must be accompanied with operation manual or instructions. Sample copies for of both should be submitted for review together with the device approval application (manual in draft form shall be deemed acceptable temporarily but final copies must also be submitted thereafters.) The operation manual shall contain all the necessary information for proper installation and operation of the device by the users. The necessary contents are:
2.10.1 The control, adjust, and on/off operation of the device to does not violate Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices.
2.10.2 Warnings against any adjustments being made to the device that may violate regulations. The manual shall suggest that all these adjustments be carried out or be monitored by a specialist who has expertise on radio frequency devices maintenance.
2.10.3 Warnings against any replacements of components (ICs, transistors, etc) that may lead to the violation to the regulations.
2.10.4 Articles 12 and 14 of Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices.
2.10.5 Applications for use in aviation model or similar remote control shall conform to the regulations of the business authority and the aviation model.
2.11 If the transmitter and receiver of the low-power radio-frequency device are sold in one set, the corresponding type approval review documents shall be submitted; otherwise the transmitter and receiver should be applied for approval together. The receiver radiated field strength must not exceed the emission specified in Section 2.8 and the receiver shall not receive, demodulate frequency listed in Section 2.7.
2.12 The characteristic of low-power radio-frequency devices shall be test in accordance with this regulation; those not stipulated shall be tested per CNS standards. If in-country standards are not found, they shall be tested based on IEEE, ANSI,ETSI EN standards and FCC 47 CFR PART
2,KDB,ARIB STD-T67 associated test requirements.
3 Conformance specifications (by frequency ranges)
3.1 Frequency bands:1.705 MHz - 37 MHz.
3.1.1 Type of device: any radiated device. Frequency bands: 1.705 MHz - 10 MHz Fundamental emission:
(1) If the bandwidth of the emission is less than 10% of the center frequency, the field strength shall be less than or equal to 15 microvolts/meter or (the bandwidth of the device in kHz) divided by (the center frequency of the device in MHz) microvolts/meter at a distance of 30 meters, whichever is the higher level.
(2) If the bandwidth of the emission is equal or greater than 10% of the center frequency, the field strength of any emission within the band 1.705-10.0 MHz shall be less than or equal to 100 microvolts/meter at a distance of 30 meters.
(3) The bandwidth of the preceding two paragraphs indicates the width between two measurement signal points, which are the upper and lower sides of the central frequency of modulation carrier wave, relative to lower 6 dB at the maximum power of a modulated carrier.
(4) The central frequency must not be within the band listed in 2.7. Unwanted emission: The field strength of unwanted emissions shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8. Field strength shall be based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector and must meet the peak emissions of Section 5.15.2.
3.1.2 Type of device: Swept frequency field disturbance sensors Frequency bands: 1.705 MHz - 37 MHz The field strength of fundamental emission and unwanted emission shall complly with 2.8.
Field strength shall be based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector and must meet the peak emissions of Section 5.15.2.
3.2 Operation within the band 13.553 MHz~13.567 MHz
3.2.1 Type of device: any radiated device. Fundamental emission: The field strength of any emissions within this band shall be less than or equal 15848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters. Unwanted emission: The field strength of unwanted emissions shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8. The frequency tolerance: The frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be ±0.01%. This frequency tolerance shall be maintained for a temperature variation of -20 to +50°C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage within ±15% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20°C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery and shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 5.18.
3.3 Operation within the band: 26.957 MHz~27.283 MHz
3.3.1 Type of device: any radiated device. Fundamental emission: The field strength of any emissions within this band shall be less than or equal 10 mV/meter at 3 meters (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector).
The provisions in section 5.15.2 for limiting peak emissions shall apply. Unwanted emission: The field strength of unwanted emissions shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8.
3.4 Operation within the band: 40.66 MHz~40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz
3.4.1 Type of device: perimeter protection systems Note: A perimeter protection systems employs RF emissions to sense field disturbance, and to detect movement within the protected area. Operation within the band: 40.66 MHz~40.70 MHz Fundamental emission: (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector)
(1) Perimeter protection system: The field strength of any emissions within this band shall be less than or equal to 500 microvolts/meter at 3 meters.
(2) The provisions stipulated Section 5.15.2 for limiting peak emissions shall apply. Unwanted emission: The field strength of unwanted emissions shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8. The frequency tolerance: The frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be ±0.01%. This frequency tolerance shall be maintained for a temperature variation of -20 to +50°C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage within ±15% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20°C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery and shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 5.18.
3.4.2 Type of device: intermittent or periodic devices. Operation within the bands 40.66 MHz~40.70MHz and use spectra in Section 2.7 and frequency greater than 70 MHz. The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for devices operating above 70MHz and below 900MHz. For devices operating above 900MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency.The bandwidth indicates the upper and lower sides of the central frequency of modulation carrier, relative to lower 20 dB at the maximum power of a modulated carrier. For devices operating within the frequency band 40.66 MHz~40.70 MHz, the bandwidth of the emission shall be confined within the band edges and the frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be ±0.01%. This frequency tolerance shall be maintained for a temperature variation of -20 to +50 °C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage within ±15% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 °C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery and shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 5.18. The operation limits of the device.
(1) The device is restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, such as Radio control of toys, video, or data are not permitted and shall conform to the following conditions:
(A) For operation in 314 MHz~316 MHz and 433 MHz~435MHz: A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds after being released.
(B) For operation in frequencies other than (A): A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being selected.
(C) The device can automatically transmit, and shall not transmit less than five seconds each time.
(D) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling or supervision transmissions used in security or safety applications shall be allowed if the total periodic rate of transmission is less than or equal to two seconds duration per hour for each transmitter.
(2) Except for (1), the device shall have an automatic control mechanism with each transmission time is shorter than 1 second, and stop duration of a transmission period is longer than 10 seconds and is not shorter than transmission time multiplied by 30. Field strength of fundamental emissions:
(1) In addition to the provisions of Section 2.7, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators at 3 meters operated under this section shall not exceed limits in the table below (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector, CISPR quasi-peak detector is accepted as well): The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2. The maximum permitted unwanted emission level shall be 20dB below the maximum permitted fundamental level, or meets the requirement of Section 2.8, whichever is less. If the field strength is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector, it shall comply with the peak emissions set forth in Section 5.15.2
(2) In addition to the provisions of Section 2.7, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators at 3 meters operated under this section shall not exceed limits in the table below (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector, CISPR quasi-peak instrumentation is accepted as well): The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
3.4.3 Type of device: any radiated devices except for those described in Section 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. Operation within the band: 40.66 MHz~40.70 MHz Fundamental emission: The field strength of any emissions within this band shall be less than or equal 1 millivolts/meter at 3 meters. Unwanted emission: The field strength of unwanted emissions shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8. Frequency tolerance: The frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be ±0.01%. This frequency tolerance shall be maintained for a temperature variation of -20 to +50°C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage within ±15% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20°C. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery and shall comply to the requirements set forth in Section 5.18.
3.5 Operation within the band: 49.82 MHz~49.90MHz
3.5.1 Type of device: any radiated devices except for the Wireless Phone. Fundamental emission: The field strength of any emission within this band shall be less than or equal to 10 millivolts/meter at 3 meters (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector). The provisions in Section 5.15.2 for limiting peak emissions shall apply. Unwanted emission:
(1) The field strength of any emissions appearing in the bands 49.81 MHz~49.82MHz and 49.90 MHz~49.91MHz shall be attenuated at least 26dB below the level of the unmodulated carrier or to the general limits in Section 2.8; whichever is lower shall be the adopted regulation.
(2) The field strength of any emissions below 49.81 MHz (exclusive) or above 49.91 MHz (exclusive) shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8.
(3) Measure the field strength (employing an average detector function) at 3 meters from the device. The field strength greater than 20 μV/m shall be recorded in the test report. For a home-built intentional radiator, the following standards may be employed:
(1) The RF carrier and modulation products shall be maintained within the band 49.82 MHz~49.90 MHz.
(2) The total input power to the device measured at the battery or the power line terminals shall be less than or equal to 100 mW under any condition of modulation.
(3) The antenna shall be a single element, 1 meter or less in length, permanently mounted on the enclosure containing the device.
(4) Emissions outside of this band shall be attenuated at least 20 dB below the level of the unmodulated carrier.
3.6 Operation within the band 72.0 MHz~73.0 MHz
3.6.1 Type of device: Auditory assistance device. An intentional radiator used to provide auditory assistance to a handicapped person or persons. Such a device may be used for auricular training in an education institution, for auditory assistance at places of public gatherings, such as a theater, auditorium or meeting. Fundamental emission: The field strength of any emission within this band shall be less than or equal 80 millivolts/meter at 3 meters (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector). The provisions in Section 5.15.2 for limiting peak emissions shall apply. Bandwidth: Emissions from the intentional radiator shall be confined within a band 200 kHz wide centered on the frequency bands. The 200 kHz band shall lie wholly within the frequency range of 72.0 MHz~73.0MHz. The field strength of any emissions radiated on any frequency outside of the specified 200 kHz band shall conform to 2.8 (employing an average detector function), and must conform to the peak in Section 5.15.2.
3.7 Operation within the band: 88.0 MHz~108.0MHz
3.7.1 Type of device: any radiated device. Fundamental emission: The field strength of fundamental emissions shall be less than or equal 250 microvolts/meter at 3 meters (measurement instrumentation employing an average detector). The provisions in Section 5.15.2. for limiting peak emissions shall apply. Emissions from the intentional radiator shall be confined within a 200 kHz band, which shall lie wholly within the frequency range of 88.0 MHz~108.0MHz. The field strength of any emissions radiated on any frequency outside of the specified 200 kHz band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in Section 2.8.
3.8 Operation within the bands: 174.0 MHz~216.0 MHz, 584 MHz~608 MHz
3.8.1 Type of device: Operation under the provisions of this Section is restricted to biomedical telemetry devices which are the intentional radiators used to transmit measurements of either human or animal biomedical phenomena to a receiver. Frequency bands: 174 MHz~216 MHz. The field strength of any emissions radiated within the specified 200 kHz band shall be less than or equal to 1500 microvolts/meter at 3 meters. Outside band emission: The field strength of any emissions within this band shall be less than or equal 150 millivolts/meter at 3 meters. Bandwidth: Emissions from the intentional radiator shall be confined within a 200 kHz band, which shall lie wholly within the frequency range of 174 MHz~216 MHz. Above measurements shall be taken employing an average detector. The provisions in Section 5.15.2 for limiting peak emissions shall apply.
3.8.2 Type of device: Operation under the provisions of this Section is restricted to biomedical telemetry devices which are the intentional radiators used to transmit measurements of either human or animal biomedical phenomena to a receiver. Such device is restricted to be operated only in hospitals and shall not extend to mobile vehicles, such as ambulances, even if those vehicles are associated with a health care facility. Frequency bands: 174 MHz~216 MHz, 584 MHz~608 MHz. Fundamental emission: The field strength of emissions radiated shall be less than or equal to 50 millivolts/meter at 3 meters (employing an average detector). Outside band emission: The field strength of outside the specified band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits set forth in Section 2.8. Required to be at least 5.5 km away from the 64 dBuV/m field strength contour of broadcasting, TV broadcast station or an associated TV booster station and at least 3.1 km away from the 74 dBuV/m field strength contour of a low power TV or a TV translator station. The device shall be installed by a qualified person. Prior to installation, evaluation of the radio environment and the user retained assessment records shall be taken. Biomedical telemetry devices must not cause harmful interference to licensed TV broadcast stations or to other authorized radio services. If harmful interference occurs, the interference must either be corrected or the device must immediately cease operation on the occupied frequency.
3.9 Operation within the bands 216 MHz~217 MHz
3.9.1 Type of device: The purpose is for voice or data transmission for auditory assistance communication (such as hearing aid devices, hearing assistant devices for handicapped individuals, language translation assistance equipments, assistant listening devices(except for assistant microphones), and assistant guiding devices or health care related communications for the patient;however, two-way communications is prohibited. Transmitting channels: There are three types of transmission Channels.
(1) Standard Channel: channel number from n=1 to n=40, the center frequencies are 216.0125 + (n-1) x 0.025 MHz with a channel bandwidth of 25 kHz and the frequency tolerance is 0.005 %.
(2) Wide-band Channel: channel number from n=41 to n=60, the center frequencies are 216.025 + (n-41) x 0.05 MHz with a channel bandwidth of 50 kHz and the frequency stability is 0.005 %.
(3) Narrow-band Channel: channel number from n=61 to n=260, the center frequencies are 216.0025 + (n-61) x 0.005 MHz with a channel bandwidth of 5 kHz, an authorized bandwidth (the maximum permitted transmitted bandwidth) of 4 kHz, and the frequency stability is ±0.00015%. Output power: No more than 100mW (ERP). Unwanted emission: The unwanted emission shall be attenuated below to the fundamental power P (in unit of W) as following,
(1) Transmitters with standard-band channel:
(A) Emissions 12.5 kHz to 22.5 kHz away from the channel center frequency: Minimum 30 dB.
(B) Emissions more than 22.5 kHz away from the channel center frequency: Minimum 43 +10 log(P) dB.
(2) Transmitters with wide-band channel:
(A) Emissions 25 kHz to 35 kHz away from the channel center frequency: Minimum 30 dB.
(B) Emissions more than 35 kHz away from the channel center frequency: Minimum 43 +10 log(P) dB.
(3) Transmitters with narrow-band channel:
(A) On any frequency within the authorized bandwidth: 0 dB.
(B) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency fd (in kHz) of more than 2 kHz up to and including 3.75 kHz: The lesser of 30 + 20 (fd - 2) dB, or 55 + 10 log (P) dB, or 65 dB.
(C) On any frequency beyond 3.75 kHz removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth: At least 55 + 10 log(P) dB. The operation of this device shall not interfere with legal communications. The operational location of this device is limited to educational and training facilities, guided facilities, nursing facilities, families, or indoor usage. If the device is not entirely within a building, the tip of the antenna shall not exceed 30.5m above the ground.
3.10 Operation within the bands 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz, 5725 MHz~5875 MHz, 24.00 GHz~24.25 GHz
3.10.1 Type of device: Intentional radiators employing frequency hopping spread spectrum or digital modulation techniques, and meeting Section Frequency bands:
(1) 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz (Intentional radiators employing frequency hopping spread spectrum or digital modulation technique)
(2) 5725 MHz~5850 MHz (Intentional radiators employing frequency hopping spread spectrum) The maximum peak output power:
(1) Operation within 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz
(A) For frequency hopping systems employing at least 75 hopping channels: below 1 Watt(inclusive).
(B) Frequency hopping systems according to Section (1) (A) (a) excluded by (A): below 0.125 W (inclusive).
(C) For systems using digital modulation: below 1 Watt (inclusive).
(2) For frequency hopping systems in 5725 MHz~5850 MHz: below 1 Watt (inclusive).
In addition to the peak output power described in Appendix 2 for measurement, the maximum conducted output power may also be used. Limits of antenna gains:
(1) For systems operated in the 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz:
(A) For fixed, point-to-point operations, the peak conducted output power of the intentional radiator shall be reduced by 1dB for every 3dBi when the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.
(B) Transmitters that emit multiple directional beams (including simultaneously or sequentially) for the purpose of directing signals to individual receivers or to groups of receivers shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) If the transmitter employs an antenna system that emits multiple directional beams but does not emit multiple directional beams simultaneously, the total output power conducted to the array or arrays that comprise the device shall not exceed the limit specified in paragraph of this section. However, the total conducted output power shall be reduced by 1dB below the specified limits for each 3dBi that the directional gain of the antenna/antenna array exceeds 6dBi. The directional antenna gain shall be computed as follows:
(i) Directional gain = 10log (number of array elements or staves) + the directional gain of the element or stave having the highest gain.
(ii) A lower value for the directional gain than that calculated in paragraph (i) of this section will be accepted if sufficient evidence is presented, e.g., due to shading of the array or coherence loss in the beam forming.
(b) If a transmitter employs an antenna that operates simultaneously on multiple directional beams using the same or different frequency channel(s), the power supplied to each emission beam shall be subject to the power limit specified in (a). If transmitted beams overlap, the power shall be reduced to ensure that their aggregate power does not exceed the limit specified in (a). In addition, the aggregate power transmitted simultaneously on all beams shall not exceed the limit specified in (a) by more than 8dB.
The directional gain is calculated the same as (a).
(c) Transmitters that emit a single directional beam shall operate under the provisions of (1)
(A) and (3) of this section.
(2) When operating in 5725 MHz~5850 MHz and by fixed point-to-point operation, the directional gain of the transmitting antenna shall exceed 6 dBi without reducing the maximum conducted output power.
(3) When using the transmitting antennas with the directional gain over 6 dBi except for (1) and
(2), the maximum conducted output power shall be reduced in equal quantity according to the total dBi of the antenna directional gain over 6 dBi. The antenna specification shall not be subject to the requirement of Section 2.2. Limits on emissions outside the frequency band: In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, the attenuation shall be as below:
(1) The attenuation shall be at least 20dB when the conducted power is measured according to Appendix II of this section, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement.
(2) The attenuation shall be at least 30dB when the conducted power is measured according to the paragraph (1) (C) of this section
In addition, radiated emissions that fall under Section 2.7 the restricted bands must also comply with the radiated emission limit specified in Section 2.8. Other limits:
(1) Frequency hopping systems:
(A) Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated by a minimum of 25 kHz or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater. However, frequency hopping systems operated in 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz with output power less than or equal to 125 mW, the intervals of hopping channel carrier frequencies shall not be less than 25 kHz or two thirds of the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater.
(a) Frequency hopping systems in the 2400 MHz~2483.5 MHz band shall use at least 15 non-overlapping channels. The average time of occupancy on any channel shall be less than or equal to 0.4 seconds within a period of 0.4 seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed. The intelligent hopping techniques shall be used to avoid the occupancy on specific frequency hopping channel.
(b) Frequency hopping systems operating in the 5725 MHz~5850 MHz band shall use at least 75 hopping channels. The maximum 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel shall be less than or equal to 1 MHz. The average time of occupancy on any frequency shall be less than or equal to 0.4 seconds within a 30-second period.
(2) Digital modulation techniques system:
(A) For digitally modulated systems, the minimum 6dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.
(B) For digitally modulated systems, the peak power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator to the antenna shall be less than or equal to 8 dBm in any 3kHz band during any time interval of continuous transmission, and shall reduce the power spectral density requirement according to the Section
(3) Hybrid systems:
(A) The frequency hopping operation of the hybrid system, with the direct sequence operation or digital modulation turned off, shall have an average time of occupancy on any frequency less than or equal to 0.4 seconds within a time period in seconds equal to the number of hopping frequencies employed multiplied by 0.4.
(B) The digital modulation operation of the hybrid system, with the frequency hopping turned off, shall comply with the power spectral density requirements of those specified in paragraph
(4) The incorporation of intelligence within a frequency hopping spread spectrum system that permits the system to recognize other users within the spectrum band so that it individually and independently chooses and adapts its hop sets to avoid hopping on occupied channels is permitted. The coordination of frequency hopping systems in any other manner for the express purpose of avoiding the simultaneous occupancy of individual hopping frequencies by multiple transmitters is prohibited.
(5) The incorporation of intelligence within a frequency hopping spread spectrum system that permits the system to recognize other users within the spectrum band so that it individually and independently chooses and adapts its hop sets to avoid hopping on occupied channels is permitted. The coordination of frequency hopping systems in any other manner for the express purpose of avoiding the simultaneous occupancy of individual hopping frequencies by multiple transmitters is prohibited.
3.10.2 Type of device: any radiated device. Frequency bands: Fundamental and harmonics emissions: The field strength of the emission shall be less than or equal to the limit in the table below except for
4 Conformance specification of special devices
5 Inspection rules
5.1 For swept frequency equipment, measurements shall be made with the frequency sweep stopped at those frequencies chosen for the measurements to be reported.
5.2 Measurements of radio frequency emissions conducted on public utility power lines shall be undertaken using a 50 ohm/50 uH line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
5.3 Field strength measurements shall be made, to the extent possible, on an open field site. Test sites other than open field sites may be employed if they are properly calibrated so that the measurement results correspond to what would be obtained from an open field site. In the case of equipment for which measurements can be undertaken only at the installation site, such as perimeter protection systems, carrier current systems, and systems employing a "leaky" coaxial cable as an antenna, measurements for verification or for obtaining a grant of equipment authorization shall be performed at a minimum of three installations that can be demonstrated to be representative of typical installation sites.
5.4 For intentional radiators, measurements of the variation of the input power or the radiated signal level of the fundamental frequency component of the emission, as appropriate, shall be undertaken with the supply voltage varied ±15% of the nominal rated supply voltage. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be undertaken using a new battery. A preliminary measurement shall be undertaken to determine the configuration and condition that produces the highest emission for the final measurement as follows:
5.4.1 EUT powered from both AC and DC (battery) power, if the device has this capability.
5.4.2 EUT supplied with the appropriate modulation and without modulation, if the modulation of carrier can be controlled.
5.4.3 For hand-held or body-worn devices, the EUT shall be rotated through three orthogonal axes.
5.5 To the extent possible, the device under test shall be measured at the distance specified in the appropriate rule section. The distance specified corresponds to the horizontal distance between the measurement antenna and the closest point of the equipment under test, support equipment or interconnecting cables as determined by the boundary defined by an imaginary straight line periphery describing a simple geometric configuration enclosing the system containing the equipment under test.
The equipment under test, support equipment and any interconnecting cables shall be included within this boundary.
5.5.1 At frequencies at or above 30 MHz, measurements may be undertaken at a distance other than what is specified provided measurements are not made in the near field except where it can be shown that near field measurements are appropriate due to the characteristics of the device; and it can be demonstrated that the signal levels needed to be measured at the distance employed can be detected by the measurement equipment. Measurements shall not be undertaken at a distance greater than 30 meters unless it can be further demonstrated that measurements at a distance of 30 meters or less are impractical. When undertaking measurements at a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20dB/decade (inverse linear-distance for field strength measurements; inverse-linear-distance-squared for power density measurements).
5.5.2 At frequencies below 30 MHz, measurements may be undertaken at a distance closer than that specified in the regulations; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making measurements in the near field. When performing measurements at a closer distance than specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance by either making measurements at a minimum of two distances on at least one radial to determine the proper extrapolation factor or by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade).
5.5.3 When the measurement distance is other than the distance specified, the measurement report shall indicate the extrapolation method used during the measurement.
5.5.4 Measurements shall be undertaken at a sufficient number of radials around the equipment under test to determine the radial at which the field strength values of the radiated emissions are maximized. The maximum field strength at the frequency being measured shall be recorded and reported.
5.6 Equipment under test shall be adjusted, using those controls that are readily accessible to or are intended to be accessible to the consumer, in such a manner as to maximize the level of the emissions.
For those devices to which cable may be attached by the consumer, tests shall be performed with cable attached. The cable shall be of the length to be used with the equipment if that length is known.
Otherwise, cable one meter in length shall be attached to the equipment. Longer cable may be employed if necessary to interconnect to associated peripherals.
5.6.1 For tabletop EUT, the requirements for configuration of power-line conducted emission test is as follows: If interconnecting cables between devices hang less than 40cm to the ground plane, the rest should be folded forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long and tied in the middle, so that the lowest point of the cable is in the middle between the test table and the ground plane. I/O cable not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in center to keep the cable away from the grounding surface by 40 cm approximately. The end of the cable shall be terminated with correct terminating impedance. LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis. The excess power cord of EUT shall be bundled close to the center of the cord. Non-EUT equipment needs not to be bundled. Rear of EUT, including peripherals, shall be all aligned and flush with rear of tabletop. Rear of tabletop shall be 40 cm removed from the vertical conducting plane.
5.6.2 For floor-standing EUT, the requirements for configuration of power-line conducted emission test is as follows: Excess interconnecting cable shall be bundled in center and the bundling shall not exceed 40 cm. LISN is 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis. The excess power cord of EUT and peripherals shall be bundled in center to appropriate length. I/O cable that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in center. The end of the cable shall be terminated with correct terminating impedance. EUT and all cables shall be insulated from ground plane by 3 mm~12 mm of insulating material.
5.6.3 For tabletop EUT, the requirements for configuration of radiated emission test is as follows: If interconnecting cables between devices hang less than 40cm to the ground plane, the rest should be folded forming a bundle 30 cm to 40 cm long and tied in the middle, so that the lowest point of the cable is in the middle between the test table and the ground plane. I/O cable not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in center to keep the cable away from the grounding surface by 40 cm approximately. The end of the cable may be terminated if required using correct terminating impedance. Rear of EUT, including peripherals, shall be all aligned and flush with rear of tabletop. The power cords of EUT and peripheral drape to the floor and are not required to be bundled.
5.6.4 For floor-standing EUT, the requirements for configuration of radiated emission test is as follows: Excess interconnecting cable shall be bundled in center and the bundling shall not exceed 40 cm. The excess power cord of EUT and peripherals shall be bundled in center to appropriate length. I/O cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in center. The end of the cable shall be terminated with correct terminating impedance. EUT and all cables shall be insulated from ground plane by 3 mm~12 mm of insulating material.
5.7 For a composite system that incorporates devices contained either in a single enclosure or in separate enclosures connected by wire or cable, testing for compliance with the standards shall be undertaken with all of the devices in the system functioning. If an intentional radiator incorporates more than one antenna or other radiating source and these radiating sources are designed to emit at the same time, measurements of conducted and radiated emissions shall be undertaken with all radiating sources that are to be employed emitting. A device which incorporates a carrier current system shall be tested for compliance with whatever rules would apply to the device.
5.8 If the device under test provides for the connection of external accessories, including external electrical input signals, the device shall be tested with the accessories attached. The device under test shall be fully exercised with these external accessories. The emission tests shall be undertaken with the device and accessories configured in a manner that tends to produce maximized emissions within the range of variations that can be expected under normal operating conditions. Only one test using peripherals or external accessories that are representative of the devices that will be employed with the equipment under test is required. All possible equipment combinations do not need to be tested. The accessories or peripherals connected to the device being tested shall be unmodified, commercially available equipment.
5.9 If the equipment under test consists of a central control unit and an external or internal accessory(ies) (peripheral) and the party verifying the equipment or applying for a grant of equipment authorization manufactures or assembles the central control unit and at least one of the accessory devices that can be used with that control unit, testing of the control unit and/or the accessory(ies) must be undertaken using the devices manufactured or assembled by that party, excluding any other needed devices which the party does not manufacture or assemble. If the party verifying the equipment or applying for a grant of equipment authorization does not manufacture or assemble the central control unit and at least one of the accessory devices that can be used with that control unit or the party can demonstrate that the central control unit or accessory(ies) normally would be marketed or used with equipment from a different entity, testing of the central control unit and/or the accessory(ies) must be performed using the specific combination of equipment which is intended to be marketed or used together. Only one test using peripherals or external accessories that are representative of the devices that will be employed with the equipment under test is required. All possible equipment combinations do not need to be tested. The accessories or peripherals connected to the device being tested shall be unmodified, commercially available equipment.
5.10 If the individual devices in a composite system are subject to different technical standards, each such device must comply with its specific standards. In no event may the measured emissions of the composite system exceed the highest level permitted for an individual component.
5.11 Modular transmitter: In order to be considered a modular transmitter, the device must be a complete RF transmitter, and can be installed on different platforms.
The modular transmitter shall conform to the following requirements:
5.11.1 The modular transmitter must have its own RF shielding.
5.11.2 The modular transmitter must have buffer for modulation/data inputs, if such inputs are provided.
5.11.3 The modular transmitter must have its own power supply regulation.
5.11.4 The modular transmitter must comply with the antenna requirements of Section 2.2. Any antenna used with the module, with specifications presented, must be tested under maximum output power and maximum gain of the transmitter.
5.11.5 The modular transmitter must not be inside another device during testing. It can be installed on an extending fixture. DC or AC power lines and data input/output lines connected to the module must not contain ferrites, unless they will be marketed with the module and instructions. Length of these lines shall be length typical of actual use or, if that length is unknown, at least 10cm. Any accessories, testing fixture, peripherals, or support equipment connected to the module during testing shall not be modified.
5.12 Measurements on intentional radiators or receivers, shall be performed and, if required, reported for each band in which the device can be operated with the device operating at the number of frequencies in each band specified in the following table:
5.13 The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value need not be reported unless specifically required elsewhere in this standard.
5.14 Frequency measurement range:
5.14.1 The spectrum shall be measured from the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the device (without going below 9 kHz), and the upper limit of the measurement range shall be decided according to the maximum operating frequency. Maximum operating frequency less than 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower. Maximum operating frequency between 10 GHz~30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz, whichever is lower. Maximum operating frequency over 30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz, whichever is lower.
5.14.2 Particular attention should be paid to harmonics and subharmonics of the carrier frequency as well as to those frequencies removed from the carrier by multiples of the oscillator frequency.
Radiation at the frequencies of multiplier stages should also be checked.
5.15 Specifications of measuring equipment: The conducted and radiated emission limits shown in this rule are based on the following, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this rule.
5.15.1 On any frequency or frequencies below or equal to 1000 MHz, the limits shown are based on measuring equipment employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector function and related measurement bandwidths, unless otherwise specified. The specifications for the measuring instrument using the CISPR quasi-peak detector can be found in Publication 16 of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) of the International Electro technical Commission. As an alternative to CISPR quasi-peak measurements, the responsible party, at its option, may demonstrate compliance with the emission limits using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted for such factors as pulse desensitization, as long as the same bandwidths as indicated for CISPR quasi-peak measurements are employed.
Note: For pulse modulated devices with a pulse-repetition frequency less than or equal of 20 Hz and for which CISPR quasi-peak measurements are specified, compliance with the regulations shall be demonstrated using measuring equipment employing a peak detector function, properly adjusted for such factors as pulse desensitization, using the same measurement bandwidths that are indicated for CISPR quasi-peak measurements.
5.15.2 On any frequency of frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated limits shown are based upon the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector function. When average radiated emission measurements are specified in the regulations (including emission measurements below 1000 MHz), there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency being investigated unless a different peak emission limit is otherwise specified in the rules. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be undertaken using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1MHz.
5.15.3 Unless otherwise specified, when the radiated emission limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in cases where the pulse train exceeds
0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength is at its maximum value. The exact method of calculating the average field strength shall be submitted with the test report.
5.16 Modulation applied: Unless specified in the individual test instructions or when modulation is needed to produce a transmitted signal (e.g. single-sideband suppressed carrier transmitters), modulation does not need to be applied during testing. When modulation is specified in individual tests, the following provisions can be applied:
5.16.1 For voice-only modulated devices (200 Hz~3000 Hz) except cordless telephones, a 1000 Hz sine wave at 100 dB SPL (0 dB SPL is 20 μPa) shall be applied 10 cm from the microphone.
5.16.2 If the EUT is modulated from internal sources, then the internal sources shall be applied.
5.16.3 If the EUT is equipped with input terminals for external modulation, modulating signals of sine wave shall be applied at the maximum rated level and appropriate frequency.
5.17 Unless the operation of EUT requires different range, the ambient temperature and humidity shall be within the range of 10 °C to 40 °C and 10 % to 90 % respectively.
5.18 Battery Operating End Point Voltage: For battery operated only device, the frequency stability shall be measured supplying the EUT primary voltage at the battery operating end point that is specified by the manufacturer and record the frequency.
5.19 Frequency response: if measurement of frequency response is specified in individual provision, the test data should cover a range of 100 Hz~5000 Hz.
5.20 RF exposure assessment: If RF Exposure Assessment is required in the regulation, the requirements are as following:
5.20.1 For purposes of RF exposure assessment requirements, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) shall be measured as transmitters whose radiating structures are designed to be used within 20 centimeters of the body of the user. Limits are as follows:
5.20.2 For purposes of RF exposure assessment requirements, Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) shall be measured, if separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between radiating structures and the body of the user or nearby persons. Limits are as follows:
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations