Required IDs and documents for type approval of the base station RF equipment:
5.1 Type approval inspection application form (see Appendix 2)
5.2 Photo copy of applicant’s related IDs:
(1). For domestic manufactured products:
If the applicant is an equipment manufacturer, the applicant shall submit his operation license for the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices. If the applicant is an equipment distributor/agent, the applicant shall submit his distributor/agent license and operation license for the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.
(2). For imported products:
The equipment import distributor/agent shall submit his company license, business registration license, operation license for the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices, telecommunications equipment import license, or special permission license.
5.3 Equipment submitted for inspection related documents:
(1). One original and one copied testing report. The original testing report will be returned after inspection.
(2). One copy of user manuals (or operation manuals) and specifications document.
(3). Equipment category and four (4) 4x6” or larger full equipment/product color photographs. (must clearly show brand name, and model)
(4). One copy of the circuit block diagram.