Print Date:113/07/16 17:25

I. Legal BasisThese Regulations are established pursuant to Paragraph 3, Article 3 of the"Cable Radio and TV Law" and Article 41-1 of the "Administrative Rules onEngineering Technique of Cable Radio and TV System", with the purpose toensure the quality of signal transmission of the Cable Radio and TV Servicesoperated by Integrated Fixed Communication Network Services (hereinafterreferred to as "Integrated Fixed-Network Operators"), so as to maintaincustomer's rights and interests.
II. The Verification Items and Principle
Integrated Fixed-Network Operators who receive permit to prepare for CableRadio and TV system issued by Government Information Office of the ExecutiveYuan, shall conduct engineering verification on their systems by the DirectorateGeneral of Telecommunications (hereinafter referred to as the DGT). Theverification items and principles are as following:
1. General Verification:The whole amount of verification is adopted, including data verification,fault appeal and handling as well as ground test.
2. Verification of Headend Control Room:The whole amount of verification is adopted, including on-line test,construction and maintenance logbooks as well as emergency power supply.
3. Verification of Transmission Circuit for the Subscribers' End:
A sampling verification is adopted. The Cable Radio and TV ReviewCommittee will follow a network distribution of DSLAM to file forverification by Integrated Fixed-Network Operators with a normal inspectionof AQL4.0, which adjusts accounts of the sampling number, the samplinggraph number and coordinate points. The verification staff of the DGT shallsample the graph number and coordinate points, in accordance with theCable Radio and TV Review Committee, to select and verify subscribernodes of the nearest network (indicating remote access equipment for thesubscriber's building, the curb or subscriber's end that can provide interfacefor the subscriber's terminal equipment) for a sampling point within a servicerange of that DSLAM, which determines to be acceptable with a normalinspection of AQL4.0.
III. The Verification Regulations
1. General Verification:
(1) Data Verification:
In accordance with the proposal permitted by Government InformationOffice of the Executive Yuan, the following items should:
(i) A block diagram of system configuration
(ii) A catalog of system equipment and their functions
(iii) The quantities of the subscriber installation and a planning table ofthe spectra for the lines
(2) Fault Appeal and Handling:
Integrated Fixed-Network Operators shall provide a free service call forfault appeal. Handling of every call of fault appeal shall be recorded forinspection with the attachment of a receipt of fault appeal as well as aflow of fault handling or other certificates.
(3) Ground Test:
(i) The Criterion Value of Ground Resistance: The value of groundresistance at the headend shall be less than 15ohm, that of an outdooroverhead cable less than 50ohm, and that of a subscriber's node lessthan 100ohm.
(ii) An outdoor overhead cable has its ground resistance to be testedamong each headend control room, to which approaches the nearestlead-in cable of the control room end shall be a test point. The valueof ground resistance shall be less than 50ohm.
(iii) The test shall be conducted by using the measuring instruments forground resistance.
(iv) Integrated Fixed-Network Operators who make use of their FixedNetworks to operate Cable Radio and TV Services shall be exemptedfrom this verification. If there are some doubt appears then a test isneeded, an inspection shall be conducted pursuant to theAdministrative Regulations on Integrated Fixed CommunicationNetwork.
2. Verification of Headend Control Room:
(1) On-line Test:
(i) On-line indications
(ii) The abnormal status of a subscriber's end and its alarm
(iii) The related transmission equipment with the fault detection
(2) Construction and Maintenance Logbooks:
An engineering superintendent shall sign construction and maintenancelogbooks of system, which formats are established by the respectiveGeneral Network Services Operator with a one-year period ofconservation.
(3) Backup Power Supply:A control room shall be provided with emergency power supplyequipment or uninterruptible power supply.
3. Verification of Transmission Circuit for the Subscribers' End:
Criteria of transmission circuit for the subscribers' end:
(1) A Test of Downlink Channels:
Throughput should be greater than 3Mbps with a test of 5 minutes'duration.
(2) A Test of Uplink Channels:
When a test point of the splitter for every subscriber is under a test, thesubscriber's end and a control room should prepare their own modems,and connect their PC with Ethernet port to conduct a test from thesubscriber terminal pinging to a control room. A criterion test is asfollows:
(i) Modem Parameter Setting:
Channel Data Rate: Applicants shall select one data rate of 64kbps to512kbps.
(ii) The Length of ping: 256byte at least.
(iii) The Frequency of ping: 1000 times at least.
(iv) The Frequency of ping timeout shall be less than or equal to 10 times.
(v) Response time per ping shall be less than or equal to 100ms.
Otherwise, it shall be regarded as timeout.
IV. Judgment Criteria and Handling Principle for Verifications:
1. Judgment Criteria of Verifications
(1) An inspection of the whole number for general verification and a control room of verification at a Headend must be acceptable; transmission circuitfor the subscriber's end shall be verified using the normal inspection of AQL4.0 as criteria. The above-mentioned inspection needs to completelycomply with the regulations so as to be judged as acceptable (as Table 8).
(2) If there exists any item to be clarified, Integrated Fixed-NetworkOperators must provide evidence to prove that the reasons are notattributable to them. The DGT shall test again the items to be clarified, ordetermine that those items are not qualified.
2. Handling Principle of Verification Results
(1) During verification, if any of the sampling points is not qualified, the DGT shall continue to verify the rest of the sampling points and list all therest of verifications, so that Integrated Fixed-Network Operators can makeimprovement.
(2) If the results of the verification are judged as disqualification, IntegratedFixed-Network Operators shall reapply to the Government Information Officeof the Executive Yuan for re-inspection after their improvement.
V. The Procedures for Verification Application
1. Integrated Fixed-Network Operators being granted permit for theestablishment of cable radio and TV system by the Government InformationOffice of the Executive Yuan shall complete the system installation and thetest of self-assessment within the valid date of permit, and apply to theGovernment Information Office of the Executive Yuan again for engineeringverification.
2. When applying for engineering verification, applicants shall pay theexamination fee to the DGT pursuant to the charge regulations promulgatedby Government Information Office of the Executive Yuan.
3. Applicants shall examine and attach two photocopies of the followingdocuments to file Government Information Office of the Executive Yuan forpassing on to the DGT through the MOTC for conducting an inspection:
(1) A photocopy of installation permit (being stamped with the companyseals.)
(2) A photocopy of a company license (being stamped with the companyseals.)
(3) A receipt photocopy of the examination fee
(4) An application form for verification (as Table 1)
(5) An item list of engineering verification/A self-assessment report:
(i) General Verification (as Table 2)
(ii) Verification of Headend Control Room (as Table 3)
(iii) Verification of Transmission Circuit for the Subscriber's End (asTable 4, the quantities to be inspected shall not be less than those in anormal inspection of AQL4.0.)
(vi) A quantity list of the subscriber installation (as Table 5)
(vii) A recording table of a transmission test for the subscriber's end (asTable 6)
(viii) A recording table for ground resistance test for overhead cables (asTable 7)
(ix) A network distribution chart (Applicants shall examine and attach anetwork distribution, that being marked on the coverage of CableRadio and TV Services with a fluorescent pencil.)
(x) A grid diagram of system configuration
(xi) A catalog of system equipment and their functions
(xii) A planning table of the spectra for the lines
(xiii) An illustration of the service area
(xiv) A test report of Headend control room and system operation andmaintenance (the format of a test report shall be decided by theapplicant, contents of which format shall at least include the test itemsof the system installation, operation and maintenance, etc.)
(xv) A name list of engineering superintendents with phone numbers
(xvi) Identification documents for engineering superintendents (Whenconducting on site verification, they shall present the original copyfor inspection.)
4. A procedure flow of verification is shown as Table 9
VI. The Cooperative Items for On-site Verification
1. The verification staff of the DGT shall sample the graph number andcoordinate points, in accordance with the Cable Radio and TV ReviewCommittee, to select and verify the nearest network of subscriber nodes for asampling point within a service range of that DSLAM. Applicants shall benotified the subscriber nodes of which are arranged in advance to decide for atest everyday before the day of noon to test, so that applicants can arrange forthe schedule of a test.
2. When proceeding to verification, applicants shall appoint engineeringsuperintendents or the authorized staff to participate in the whole course.Furthermore, the appointed staff shall operate the related equipment so as tocooperate with the verification staff of the DGT for conducting verification.
3. The test fee required during the course of engineering verification as well ashardware and software required for a test shall be taken charge and providedby applicants.
VII. Changing of the Service Area and Network Configuration or Main Equipment
Integrated Fixed-Network Operators, who run Cable Radio and TV Services andchange the service area, network configuration or main equipment, shall proposethe alternative of a service proposal to Government Information Office, TheRepublic of China as well as be examined and verified for use. The altered partsmust be conducted pursuant to these Regulations.
XIII. Scramble Verification
1. Restricted programs shall be scrambled. The scrambled range shall includevideo and audio signals, which can't be received and tuned in withoutdecoding.
2. Restricted programs, which have been made into a list of a Services proposal,shall be merged into scramble verification during verification at a Headend;those that have not been listed shall be filed to the MOTC for joint approvalby the MOTC and the Government Information Office of the Executive Yuan, andshall pass the verification by the DGT pursuant to Table 10 for provision.
IX. Engineering Verification for Continuance of the Operation
When the date of a permit for operation of Cable Radio and TV Services expires,Integrated Fixed-Network Operators who intend to continue the operation shallapply to the Government Information Office of the Executive Yuan, pursuant to theCable Radio and TV Laws, and shall conduct engineering verification in accordancewith these Regulations promulgated by the DGT.
X. Irregular Engineering Verification
If there is practical demand, controversy or signal interference, the DGT shallconduct engineering verification on the system of Integrated Fixed-NetworkOperators. If the results of verification do not comply with these Regulations the Cable Radio and TV Laws shall apply.
XI. The Date Coming Into Force :
These regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The sameshall apply when these Regulations are revised.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations