Print Date:113/07/27 07:41

I. The guidelines are formulated in accordance with Articles 49, 50 and 70 of the Telecommunications Act, Article 3 Item 3 of The Regulations On Inspection And Certification Of Controlled Telecommunications Equipment, Article 10 of the Administrative Regulations On Controlled Telecommunications Radio Frequency Equipment and Articles 51, 52, 56 and 58 of the Administrative Regulations On Amateur Radios.
II. The responsible administrator The Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (referred to the DGT).
Test Lab: test labs approved and authorized by the DGT
III. For approval for all classes of amateur radio types, an application shall be submitted, and such amateur radio type approval shall be conducted according to the frequency usage, transmission power, and type of transmission suitable to amateur radio personnel of all classes that are stipulated in the Amateur Radio Technical Specifications, except that the aforesaid frequency usage shall be reviewed and approved according to the amateur frequency band of Region 3 as per IARU Plan if such frequency band is used for manufacturing, import and sales.
IV. The amateur radio type approval is classified into two categories depending on whether the radio is for sale or for personal use.
(1) For amateur radios for sale, the manufacturer, importer or dealer shall, according to the procedures shown in Attachment 1 -1, submit an application to the DGT, enclosed with the articles and documents specified in Point V.
(2) For amateur radios for personal use, the applicant shall, according to the procedures shown in No.2 of Attachment 1, submit an application to the Region Regulatory Stations of the DGT in the districts, enclosed with the articles and documents specified in Point V.
V. Those that apply for amateur radio type approval shall fill in the application form (No.1 of Attachment 2), and enclose the following articles and documents:
(1) One set of samples for review;
(2) One circuit diagram in Chinese or English
(3) One block diagram;
(4) 4 product type catalogs;
(5) One User Manual (or Operation Instructions) and data specifications in Chinese or English;
(6) One sample testing report in original and 4 photo-offset copies (testing report is subject to signature by persons of the testing lab, and its content should include: A. Name, brand and type of inspected sample. B. 4x6 inch or larger clean and identifiable photo of inspected sample (including the front, back and two sides of products, and the front and back of radio-frequency monocase. C. Testing connection diagram and its instructions. D. Name, brand and type of testing instruments. E. Effective date for calibration of testing instruments. F. Applicable standard and testing items (such as one of Attachment 3). G. Testing data and inclusion. H. Date of accepting and completing the test task. I. Measured ambient temperature and humidity).
(7) Four copies of compact disks (including electronic files of above-mentioned Items 2~6, and the file format is *.doc, *.pdf, *.bmp, *.jpg, *.tiff)
(8) One copy of incorporation certification document or business registration certification document.
(9) One copy of the operation certificate of controlled telecommunications radio-frequency devices. (regulated telecommunication radio-frequency equipment sales license of the equipment manufacturer or importer should be attached for the dealers)
Big and small seals of the company should be affixed to the documents attached in aforesaid item. The sample testing report of Item (6) is issued by the test lab according to the request of the applicant. The test lab can determine the test charge rate and receive the charge from the applicant.
VI. Those that apply for approval of amateur radio type for personal use shall fill in the application form according to their qualification class (such as No.2 of Attachment 2), and submit following objects and documents:
(I) One set of the apparatus to be approved;
(II) User Manual or operating instructions (one original and one copy).
(III) Technical specifications in original and in copy (including frequency, output power and other technical data).
(IV) Apparatus source certification document.
(V) Qualification document: valid license of amateur radio persons (one in original and one in copy).
(VI) Apparatus testing report (such as No.2 of Attachment 3)
The applicant shall sign and stamp on the documents submitted in above-mentioned item. Apparatus testing report in Item (VI) shall be issued by Region Regulatory Station under the DGT after the fee for type approval is paid.
The amateur radios for personal use refer to "less than two sets of amateur radios with input of same the brand and same type" or "less than five sets of amateur radios manufactured by the users".
VII. The testing standards for amateur radios shall comply with the technical specifications formulated by the DGT. But if there are already national standards, the national standards shall be applied.
VIII. If those who apply for approval of amateur radios types do not submit all the specified documents or samples or they submit wrong documents or samples, the DGT or district Region Regulatory Stations shall notify the applicants to correct within one month, and shall refuse their applications in case of failure to correct or still submitting incomplete documents or samples upon expiration of such period.
If the application does not pass the review, the DGT or the district Region Regulatory Stations shall indicate the unacceptable items and by sending a notice, tell the applicant to take improvement actions within two months and apply for re-review. If the application is not submitted for re-review upon expiration of such period or still does not pass the re-review, such application shall be refused.
If the application passes the review and is approved, the DGT shall issue the type approval certificate (such as Attachment s 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9).
IX. The type approval certificate and the approval label shall be exclusively owned by the person who obtains type approval certificate, but the person who obtains the approval of type of amateur radio for sales shall, after reporting in writing to the DGT for reference, agree that others use his approval label on the amateur radios of the same brand and type.
X. The person that who obtains the approval of type of amateur radio for sales or the person that uses his approval label according to Article X shall print the labels that have the same pattern as the approval label in the type approval certificate and stick or imprint them in conspicuous position on the apparatus body before such apparatus is on sales or displayed to the public.
The person who obtains the approval of type of amateur radio for personal use shall stick the approval label in conspicuous position on the apparatus body.
XI. When the type approval certificate is lost or damaged, the owner shall give reasons and apply to the DGT or former District 3 Region Regulatory Station for re-issuance or replacement.
XII. The amateur radio that passes the type approval shall be approved again if its type, design and radio-frequency performance is changed. However, if only the radio appearance is change and its type and radio-frequency performance is not changed, this restriction is not applicable upon consent of the DGT.
XIII. For the application that passes the type approval, the applicant shall keep the reviewed sample for check in the future.
XIV. The DGT has right to carry out random inspection on the amateur radios that are displayed publicly or for sales in the markets.
If the random inspection shows that the radio does not comply with original samples or the stipulations of these main points, the DGT will abolish its type approval certificate.
XV. In case any disputes are aroused as to the agency right or patent ownership of the amateur radios that obtain type approval certificates, the applicant shall settle these disputes. If the court judges the lawsuit is lost, the DGT shall cancel or abolish the type approval certificate.
XVI. If the documents submitted by the person who obtains the approval of amateur radio type when he submitted the application contain illegal facts or are false, the DGT will cancel its type approval certificate.
XVII. The person whose type approval certificate is cancelled or abolished, shall not re-apply for type approval for the apparatus of same brand and same type within three months from the canceling and abolishing date. The DGT shall announce the canceling or abolishing reasons.
The person whose amateur radio type approval certificate is cancelled or abolished shall take back the amateur radios sold by him. If others' rights or interests are damaged thereby, he shall bear the responsibility for compensation.
XVIII. The person that applies to the DGT for type approval shall pay the review fee for type approval according to the fee rate specified by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. If the application is rejected according to Article VIII, the paid fees shall not be refunded.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations