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1. Foundation and Scope
1.1 Foundation
The specification is issued pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 42 of the Telecommunications Acts.
1.2 Scope
An S-PCN MES may be a handheld, portable, vehicle-mounted, host connected, semi-fixed or fixed equipment, or may be an element in a multi-mode terminal. It may consist of a number of modules with associated connections and user interface, or may be a self contained single unit.
If the MES is an element in a multi-mode terminal, unless otherwise stated in this Guidelines, its requirements apply only to the S-PCN MES element of the terminal operating in one or more of the MSS frequency bands given in table 1.
1.3 Contents and Reference
The guidelines regulation are based on "Compliance Approval Regulations of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment", including the test items, standards, methods, related technical requirements, and considering the specialty of globalization and internationalization of satellite mobile communications.
In order to meet international standards, we will comply the related regulations of ETSI TBR 41's latest version and take it as reference for making our regulations perfect.
2. Definitions and abbreviations
2.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions apply:
2.1.1 carrier-on state (allocated a channel):
An MES is in this state when it is transmitting a signal in a continuous or non-continuous mode.
2.1.2 carrier-off state (idle mode):
An MES is in this state when it is powered-on but not transmitting a signal, i.e. not in the carrier-on state.
2.1.3 conducted measurement:
A measurement of emissions from an antenna port of the MES made by direct wired connection to the port.
2.1.4 radiated measurement:
A measurement of an actual radiated field.
2.1.5 Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP):
The product of transmitter power and maximum antenna gain, equivalent to an isotropic source radiating uniformly in all directions.
2.1.6 MSS band:
A continuous range of frequencies allocated by the ITU to the MSS.
2.1.7 narrow-band system:
A narrow-band system is one in which the nominal carrier frequency spacing for MES in the earth-to-space direction is less than 300 KHz.
2.1.8 wide-band system:
A wide-band system is one in which the nominal carrier frequency spacing for MES in the Earth-to-Space direction is equal to or greater than 300 KHz.
2.1.9 network control channel:
A channel by which an MES receives general control information from the NCF of its S-PCN.
2.1.10 Special Test Equipment (STE):
Equipment which allows a testing laboratory to control the MES so that the tests required by this TBR can be performed.
2.1.11 NCF control message:
A message, normally originating from a network, to a specified terminal or set of terminals of the network which indicates to the terminal or set of terminals that it/they should carry out some specific action or should enter or maintain some specific state. For test purposes NCF control messages may originate from Special Test Equipment (STE).
2.1.12 nominated bandwidth (Bn ):
The Bn of the Mobile Earth Station (MES) radio frequency transmission is wide enough to encompass all spectral elements of the transmission which have a level greater than the specified levels of unwanted emissions. The Bn is defined relative to the MES actual carrier frequency fc. Bn is the width of the frequency interval (fc - a, fc + b), where a and b, which shall be specified by the applicant, may vary with fc. The frequency interval (fc -a, fc + b) shall not encompass more than either:
i) when a = b, 4 nominal carrier frequencies for narrow-band systems
ii) when a ( b, 1 nominal carrier frequency for narrow-band systems, or
iii) 1 nominal carrier frequency for wide-band systems.
The frequency interval (fc - a, fc + b) shall be within the operational band of the MES.
2.1.13 operational band:
The sub-portion of the 1610.0 to 1626.5 MHz band which has been assigned in the earth-to-space direction to the MSS network within which the MES is operating.
2.1.14 test load:
The test load is a substantially non-reactive, non-radiating power attenuator which is capable of safely dissipating the power from the transmitter(s).
2.1.15 unwanted emissions:
Unwanted emissions are those falling outside the nominated Bandwidth in the carrier-on state, and those generated in the carrier-off state.
2.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this Specification, the following abbreviations apply:
AC Alternating Current
Bn nominated Bandwidth
CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraph and Telephone (now ITU-T)
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CMF Control and Monitoring Functions
dBW deciBels relative to 1 Watt
EIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EME Externally Mounted Equipment
IE Installable Equipment
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission/Committee
IME Internally Mounted Equipment
ITU International Telecommunications Union
LTE Laboratory Test Equipment
MES Mobile Earth Station
MSS Mobile Satellite Service
MIC MES unique Identification Code (within its S-PCN)
NCF Network Control Facility
PE Portable Equipment
RF Radio Frequency
SES Satellite Earth Stations and Systems or, in the case of the SES Directive, Satellite Earth Station
STE Special Test Equipment
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TTE Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
3. Required Test Items
The test items, conformance requirement and method of tests is 4. to 9. of the specification.
4. Unwanted emissions outside the band 1610 to 1626.5 MHz and the band 1626.5 to 1628.5 MHz (carrier-on)
4.1 Purpose
Protection of other radio services operating outside the band 1610 to 1628.5 MHz from emissions caused by S-PCN MES operating within the band 1610 to 1626.5 MHz.
4.2 Conformance requirements
The maximum EIRP density of the unwanted emissions from the MES outside the band 1610.0 to 1626.5 MHz and the band 1626.5 to 1628.5 MHz shall not exceed the limits in table 2.
In table 2, whenever a change of limit between adjacent frequency bands occurs, the lower of the two limits shall apply at the transition frequency.
The conformance requirements apply for the full range of environmental conditions corresponding to the type of equipment as specified in I.2, Attachment IX.
4.3 Method of test
This test shall be carried out for the minimum and for the maximum MES transmit frequencies for which the MES is designed to operate, as specified by the applicant.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, Attachment IX.
For each test, the MES shall be set to transmit (carrier-on) on one of the specified transmitting frequencies to be tested at its maximum power for that transmit frequency, by means of the STE or by another test facility provided by the applicant.
If there is a handover function in the MES (to allow change of frequency channel during a call), this function shall be disabled.
The transmitted carrier shall be modulated by a test signal at maximum rate as specified in H.2.3, Attachment VIII.
In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6 dB below the appropriate limits given in table 2.
The measurements are performed with the radiated or with the conducted method according to the cases defined in H.4, Attachment VIII.
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions, Attachment X applies.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions, Attachment XI applies.
4.3.1 Peak measurement
In the case of peak measurement, the spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: as required for frequency range to be assessed;
resolution bandwidth: measurement bandwidth specified in table 2;
display bandwidth: at least three tiMES the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: no;
peak hold: yes.
The sweep time shall be the shortest possible time consistent with proper calibration and ease of operation.
The spectrum analyzer shall be stepped over the frequency ranges specified in table 2 for peak measurement.
4.3.2 Average measurement
In the case of average measurement, the spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: as required for frequency range to be assessed;
resolution bandwidth: measurement bandwidth specified in table 2;
display bandwidth: equal to the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: yes;
peak hold: no.
The measurement time shall be such that the difference of the measured levels, averaged over subsequent measurement samples, is less than 1 dB, or a measurement time of 100 ms may be used if the measured values comply with the applicable limits.
For a MES operating in a non-continuous carrier mode, the measurement shall be performed over the active part of the transmitted bursts. The total sample time used for measurement shall be not less than 40 % of the duration of the active part of the transmitted burst. The measurement shall be made over the random part of the burst, excluding any preambles or synchronization sequences. The spectrum analyzer shall be stepped over the frequency ranges specified in table 2 for average measurement.
4.4 Test requirements
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions of the MES, the measured values shall in no case exceed the limits given in table 2.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions of the MES, the measured values plus the maximum antenna gain shall in no case exceed the limits given in table 2.
5. Unwanted emissions within the band 1610 to 1 626.5 MHz and the band 1626.5 to 1628.5 MHz (carrier-on)
5.1 Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems operating within the frequency band 1 610 to 1 628,5 MHz from unwanted emissions caused by S-PCN MES operating in the band 1 610 to 1 626,5 MHz.
5.2 Conformance requirements
The maximum EIRP spectral density of the unwanted emissions from the MES within the band 1 610 to 1 628,5 MHz shall not exceed the limits in tables 3, 4 or 5, as applicable.
In the tables 3, 4 and 5, whenever a change of limit between adjacent frequency bands occurs, the lower of the two limits shall apply at the transition frequency.
When conflicts between multiple requirements exist, the more stringent requirement applies.
The conformance requirements apply for the full range of environmental conditions corresponding to the type of equipment as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ.
5.3 Method of test
This test shall be carried out for the minimum and for the maximum MES transmit frequency for which the MES is designed to operate, as specified by the applicant.
Where available, up to two additional transmit frequencies shall also be tested. These frequencies shall be equally spaced between the minimum and maximum transmit frequencies. The transmit frequencies used for the test shall be entered in the test report.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ.
For each test, the MES shall be set to transmit (carrier-on) on one of the specified transmit frequencies to be tested, at its maximum power for that transmit frequency, by means of the STE or by another test facility provided by the applicant.
If there is a handover function in the MES (to allow change of frequency channel during a call), this function shall be disabled.
The transmitted carrier shall be modulated by a test signal at maximum rate as specified in H.2.3, AttachmentⅧ.
In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6 dB below the appropriate limits given in tables 3, 4 or 5 as applicable.
The measurements are performed with the radiated or with the conducted method according to the cases defined in H.4, AttachmentⅧ.
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions, AttachmentⅩ applies.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions, AttachmentⅩⅠ applies.
The spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: as required for frequency range to be assessed;
resolution bandwidth: measurement bandwidth specified in tables 3, 4 or 5, as applicable;
display bandwidth: equal to the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: yes;
peak hold: no.
The measurement time shall be such that the difference of the measured levels, averaged over subsequent measurement samples, is less than 1 dB, or a measurement time of 100 ms may be used if the measured values comply with the applicable limits. For a MES operating in a non-continuous carrier mode, the measurement shall be performed over the active part of the transmitted bursts. The total sample time used for measurement shall be not less than 40 % of the duration of the active part of the transmitted burst. The measurement shall be made over the random part of the burst, excluding any preambles or synchronization sequences. For each of the transmit frequencies to be used for the test, measurements shall be made over the frequency ranges from 1610 MHz to f c -a and from f c +b to 1628.5 MHz, f c -a being the lower boundary frequency of the nominated bandwidth for the transmit frequency being tested, and f c +b being the upper boundary frequency of the nominated bandwidth for the transmit frequency being tested.
5.4 Test requirements
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions of the MES, the measured values shall in no case exceed the limits given in tables 3, 4 or 5, as applicable, over the frequency range 1610 to 1628.5 MHz.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions, the measured values plus the maximum antenna gain, shall in no case exceed the limits given in tables 3, 4 or 5, as applicable, over the frequency range 1610 to 1628.5 MHz.
6. EIRP density within the operational band
6.1 Purpose
To ensure that the maximum EIRP spectral density within the band 1 610 to 1 626,5 MHz does not exceed the limits defined by the Final Acts of WRC-95, S5.364.
6.2 Conformance requirements
In any frequency sub-band of the band 1610 to 1626.5 MHz where the MES is declared to operate, one of two following requirements shall apply under specific operating conditions:
a) The MES shall not produce a mean EIRP density exceeding -3 dB (W/4 KHz), (mean limit).
b) The MES shall not produce a peak EIRP density exceeding -15 dB (W/4 KHz), (peak limit).
note: In this context, the mean is the mean over time whilst the MES is in the carrier-on mode.
The specific frequency sub-band(s) and operating conditions for which the two different limits apply shall be specified and declared by the applicant in the information leaflet.
These requirements apply to all types of MES, for every transmit channel of the MES in its operational band or sub-bands.
The conformance requirements apply for the full range of environmental conditions corresponding to the type of equipment as described in I.2, AttachmentⅨ.
6.3 Method of test
As a minimum, two MES transmit frequencies of each of the stated sub-band(s) shall be used for this test. These frequencies shall be the minimum and the maximum frequencies of the stated sub-band(s) for which the MES is designed to operate, as specified by the applicant. Where available, the EIRP density shall also be tested at two additional transmit frequencies. These frequencies shall be equally spaced between the minimum and maximum frequencies of each of the stated sub-band(s). The measured EIRP densities and the corresponding transmit frequencies used for the test shall be entered in the test report.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ. For each test, the MES shall be set to transmit (carrier-on) at its maximum power-on the specified transmitting frequency to be tested, by means of the STE or by another test facility provided by the applicant.
If there is a handover function in the MES (to allow change of frequency channel during a call), this function shall be disabled.
The transmitted carrier shall be modulated by a test signal at maximum rate as specified in H.2.3, AttachmentⅧ.
In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6 dB below the appropriate values to be measured.
The measurements are performed with the conducted or with the radiated method according to the cases defined in H.4, AttachmentⅧ.
For radiated measurements of transmitted EIRP density, AttachmentⅩ applies.
For assessment of transmitted EIRP density by conducted measurements, AttachmentⅩⅠ applies.
6.3.1Peak limit test
In the case of peak measurement, the spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: from the lower to the upper limits of the nominated bandwidth of the transmit channel under test;
resolution bandwidth: 3 KHz (see note);
display bandwidth: at least three tiMES the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: no;
peak hold: yes.
note: The measurements shall be converted to equivalent values for the 4 KHz bandwidth required by the specification, using the formula 10log(4/3).
The sweep time shall be the shortest possible time consistent with proper calibration and ease of operation.
6.3.2 Mean limit test
In the case of average measurement, the spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: from the lower to the upper limits of the nominated bandwidth of thetransmit channel under test;
resolution bandwidth: 3 KHz (see note);
display bandwidth: equal to the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: yes;
peak hold: no.
note: The measurements shall be converted to equivalent values for the 4 KHz bandwidth required by the specification, using the formula 10log(4/3).
The measurement time shall be such that the difference of the measured levels, averaged over subsequent measurement samples, is less than 1 dB, or a measurement time of 100 ms may be used if the measured values comply with the applicable limits.
Alternatively, a power meter may be used with a correction factor to account for the duty cycle.
6.4 Test requirements
For measurements of radiated EIRP, the measured values shall in no case exceed the appropriate values given in subclause 6.2, for each specific frequency sub-band and operating condition for which the limit applies, as specified by the applicant.
For assessment of EIRP by conducted measurement, the measured values plus the maximum antenna gain, shall in no case exceed the appropriate values given in subclause 6.2, for each specific frequency sub-band and operating condition for which the limit applies, as specified by the applicant.
7. Unwanted emissions in carrier-off state
7.1 Purpose
Protection of other radio services and systems from unwanted emissions caused by MES in the carrier-off state.
7.2 Conformance requirements
The maximum EIRP of the unwanted emissions from the MES in the carrier-off state shall not exceed the limits in table 6.
In table 6, whenever a change of limit between adjacent frequency bands occurs, the lower of the two limits shall apply at the transition frequency.
7.3 Method of test
The MES shall be switched-on and set in a non-transmitting (carrier-off) mode.
If there is a periodic automatic transmission of bursts (e.g. for location updating), the STE shall provide a means to inhibit it, or to trigger the measurement in order to analyse only the non-transmitting periods.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ.
In the test equipment, the spectrum analyzer noise floor shall be at least 6 dB below the appropriate limits given in table 6.
The measurements are performed with the radiated or with the conducted method according to the cases defined in H.4, AttachmentⅧ.
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions, AttachmentⅩ applies.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions, AttachmentⅩⅠ applies.
7.3.1 Measurement method
The spectrum analyzer shall be set in sweep mode and shall be operated under the following conditions:
frequency sweep: as required for frequency range to be assessed;
resolution bandwidth: measurement bandwidth specified in table 6;
display bandwidth: at least 3 tiMES the measurement bandwidth;
averaging: no;
peak hold: yes.
The sweep time shall be the shortest possible time consistent with proper calibration and ease of operation.
The spectrum analyzer shall be stepped over the frequency ranges specified.
7.4 Test requirements
For measurements of radiated unwanted emissions of the MES, the measured values shall in no case exceed the limits given in table 6.
For measurements of conducted unwanted emissions of the MES, the measured values plus the maximum antenna gain shall in no case exceed the limits given in table 6.
8. MES Control and Monitoring Functions (CMF)
8.1 Special Test Equipment (STE)
Many of the tests in this clause require that the MES be situated in an environment where receipt of a network control channel and of NCF commands is controlled by the test laboratory. This will require the provision of STE (see clause A.2). This STE shall provide the means to generate and to communicate to the MES, either radiated via its antenna or conducted via direct connection to its antenna port, the network control channel and the required NCF commands, under the control of the test laboratory. The STE shall also provide means for the test laboratory to interface its test equipment with the MES for the purpose of monitoring the MES responses.
8.2 Self-monitoring functions
8.2.1 Processor monitoring Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES. Conformance requirements
The MES shall incorporate a processor monitoring function for each of its processors involved in the manipulation of traffic and in control and monitoring functions.
The processor monitoring function shall detect failure of the processor hardware and software. Not later than 1 s after any detectable fault condition occurs, the transmissions shall be suppressed (carrier-off) until the processor monitoring function has determined that all fault conditions have been cleared.
The fault conditions which cause transmission shutdown shall be specified and declared by the applicant.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ. Method of test
As it is considered impracticable to artificially induce processor faults in an MES, no test is given for the processor monitoring function.
8.2.2 Transmit frequency generation sub-system monitoring Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES. Conformance requirements
The MES shall incorporate a transmit frequency generation sub-system monitoring function. Not later than 5 s after any detectable failure of the transmit frequency generation sub-system occurs, the transmissions shall be suppressed (carrier-off) until the transmit frequency generation sub-system monitoring function has determined that all fault conditions have been cleared. The fault conditions which cause transmission shutdown shall be specified and declared by the applicant.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ. Method of test
As it is considered impracticable to artificially induce transmit frequency generation sub-system faults in an MES, no test is given for the transmit frequency generation sub-system monitoring function.
8.3 Network control authorization and reception
8.3.1 Network control authorization Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES. Conformance requirements
During POWER-ON no transmissions shall occur from the MES.
Following POWER-ON the MES shall enter a controlled, non-transmitting (carrier-off) state. This state shall be maintained whilst the MES is not synchronized with the appropriate network control channel(s).
Without synchronizing to the appropriate network control channel(s), it shall not be possible to initiate carrier-on state.
Within 30 s of having lost the appropriate network control channel(s) the MES shall suppress transmissions (carrier-off).
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ. Method of test
The MES shall be cycled through its power-on and power-off states. Attempts shall be made to initiate calls using normal user operational Procedures. The transmitting state of the MES shall be monitored to ensure compliance with the test requirements.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ. Test Procedures
The MES shall be situated in an environment where receipt of the appropriate network control channel(s) is controlled by the test laboratory.
a) The MES shall be in a power-off state, situated such that it is not in receipt of a network control channel.
b) The MES shall be powered-on.
c) An attempt shall be made, using normal user operational Procedures, to initiate a call.
d) A network control channel shall be activated and a call shall be initiated using normal user operational Procedures.
e) The network control channel shall then be deactivated.
f) An attempt shall be made, using normal user operational Procedures, to initiate a call.
g) The network control channel shall be reactivated and a call shall be initiated using normal user operational Procedures.
Throughout this Procedures, the transmission state of the MES shall be monitored. Test requirement
During and after test Procedures step a), the MES shall be in power-off state.
During and after test Procedures step b), no transmissions shall occur (carrier-off).
During and after test Procedures step c), no transmissions shall occur (carrier-off).
After test Procedures step d), the MES shall be transmitting (carrier-on).
Within 30 s of test Procedures step e), MES transmissions shall cease (carrier-off).
During and after test Procedures step f), no transmissions shall occur (carrier-off).
After test Procedures step g), the MES shall be transmitting (carrier-on).
8.3.2 Network control reception Transmission disable/enable Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES. Conformance requirements
An MES which is transmitting (carrier-on) shall not continue transmissions for a period of time longer than 1 second after receipt of a transmission disable command from its NCF. After ceasing transmissions the MES shall then not transmit until it receives a transmission enable command from its NCF, or until it is powered-off and then powered-on again.
An MES which is powered-on but not transmitting (carrier-off) when it is in receipt of a transmission disable command from its NCF shall then not transmit until it receives a transmission enable command from its NCF, or until it is powered-off and then powered-on again.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ. Method of test
The MES shall be sent transmission enable and transmission disable commands. Attempts shall be made to initiate calls using normal user operational Procedures. The transmitting state of the MES shall be monitored to ensure compliance with the test requirements.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ. Test Procedures
The MES shall be situated in an environment where receipt of the appropriate network control channel(s) and of NCF commands is controlled by the test laboratory.
a) A network control channel shall be activated, the MES shall be powered-on, and a call shall be initiated using normal user operational Procedures.
b) An NCF command to disable transmissions shall be sent to the MES.
c) Whilst the disable command applies an attempt shall be made to initiate a call using normal user operational Procedures.
d) An NCF command to enable transmissions shall be sent to the MES and a call shall be initiated using normal user operational Procedures.
e) The MES shall be set to a carrier-off mode, and an NCF command to disable transmissions shall be sent to the MES.
f) Whilst the disable command applies an attempt shall be made to initiate a call using normal user operational Procedures.
g) An NCF command to enable transmissions shall be sent to the MES and a call shall be initiated using normal user operational Procedures.
Throughout this Procedures, the transmission state of the MES shall be monitored. Test requirement
After test Procedures step a), the MES shall be transmitting (carrier-on).
During test Procedures step b), within 1 s of receipt of the NCF command to disable transmissions, MES transmissions shall cease (carrier-off).
During and after test Procedures step c), no transmissions shall occur (carrier-off).
After test Procedures step d), the MES shall be transmitting (carrier-on).
During and after test Procedures steps e) and f), no transmissions shall occur (carrier-off).
After test Procedures step g), the MES shall be transmitting (carrier-on). Transmit frequency control Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES. Conformance requirements
The MES shall set the carrier frequency of its transmission according to the command of the NCF. The carrier frequency has to be controlled such, that the entire nominated bandwidth of the terminal falls completely within the operational frequency band(s) specified and declared by the applicant.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ. Method of test
The nominated bandwidth of the MES shall be monitored relative to the carrier frequency commanded, and relative to the operational frequency bands for the MES specified by the applicant.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ. Test Procedures
This test shall be carried out at least twice, once for the minimum and once for the maximum MES transmit frequency for which the MES is designed to operate, as specified by the applicant.
Where available, two additional transmit frequencies shall also be tested. These frequencies shall be equally spaced between the minimum and maximum frequencies. The commanded transmit frequencies used for the test shall be entered in the test report.
The MES shall be situated in an environment where receipt of a network control channel and of NCF commands is controlled by the test laboratory.
a) A network control channel shall be activated and the MES powered-on.
b) An appropriate NCF control MESage shall be sent, commanding the MES to set its carrier frequency to one of the transmit frequencies to be tested.
c) The test shall be repeated for the other transmit frequencies to be tested.
The carrier mask for the transmit frequency under test shall be monitored on a spectrum analyzer, using the Procedures given in subclause 5.3. Test requirement
The MES shall set the center frequency of its transmission according to the NCF command.
The entire nominated bandwidth for each transmit frequency tested shall be contained completely within the operational frequency band(s) specified by the applicant.
8.4 Fellow radio stations in a dual-mode or multi-mode terminal
8.4.1 Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES.
8.4.2 Conformance requirements
Any fellow radio station in a multi-mode MES shall not transmit without reception of a network control channel for the system for which it is designed.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ.
8.4.3 Method of test
The MES shall be placed in a suitable environment which isolates the MES from the networks of its fellow modes. It shall be verified that no transmissions are made from that mode.
8.4.4 Test Procedures
The MES shall be placed in an environment where the receipt of network control channel(s) of supporting networks of the fellow modes is prevented. For each fellow mode radio station, an attempt shall be made, using normal user operational Procedures, to initiate a call. Throughout this procedures, the transmission state of the MES shall be monitored.
8.4.5 Test requirements
Throughout the test Procedures, no transmission shall occur.
9. Equipment identity
9.1 Purpose
Protection of radio services and systems from uncontrolled RF transmissions from the MES.
9.2 Conformance requirements
Each MES shall have a unique MES Identification Code (MIC) within its S-PCN.
It shall not be possible for the user to alter the MIC using any normally accessible Procedures. The MES shall be capable of transmitting its identification code upon reception of an appropriate NCF command addressed to it.
The conformance requirements apply for the environmental conditions as specified in I.2, AttachmentⅨ.
9.3 Method of test
It is impracticable to test that each MES has a unique MES identification code (MIC) within its S-PCN, and that it is not possible for the user to alter the MIC using any normally accessible Procedures. Consequently, no tests are given for these requirements.
The transmissions of the MES in response to an NCF command to send its identification code shall be monitored and the identification code received shall be verified.
The environmental test conditions are given in I.3, AttachmentⅨ.
9.4 Test Procedures
The MES shall be situated in an environment where receipt of a network control channel and of NCF commands is controlled by the test laboratory.
a) A network control channel shall be activated and the MES powered-on.
b) An appropriate NCF control MESage shall be sent, commanding the MES to transmit its identification code.
c) The MESage sent by the MES shall be analysed.
9.5 Test requirements
The MES identification code in the MESage sent in step c) shall be verified against that supplied by the applicant for the MES.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations