Print Date:113/07/27 08:26

Article 1
These Standards shall be established pursuant to Article 70 of the Telecommunications Act.
Article 2
The regulatory fee of charging for telecommunication equipment and its space in the building (hereinafter “Building-telecommunication-equipment”), includes examination fee for Building-telecommunication-equipment design drawing, inspection fee for Building-telecommunication-equipment install and completion, and the certificate fee for Building-telecommunication-equipment.
Article 3
Those who apply for examination of Building-telecommunication-equipment’s drawing review, inspection of installation and completion, and certificate for approval shall pay the regulatory fee according to the Building-telecommunication-equipment standard charging table (as attached, hereinafter “standard charging table”) to the financial institutions who may collect regulatory fee and entrusted by NCC or this committee.
The examination fee and inspection fee from the above paragraph shall be collected while applying; the fee for certificate shall be collected when issuing certificate of approval after inspection.
The fees in first paragraph shall be paid by applicant(s) in the form of cash, check issued by bank, treasury check, or draft, which is payable to NCC.
Article 4
The design drawing of Building-telecommunication-equipment which contains floor plan and location chart of cable narrow-band, cable wide-band and optical fiber; the examination and inspection institute shall charge the examination fee based on the cable narrow-band while applicant applies jointly. However, if the applicant applies separately for examination of the design drawing with cable narrow-band, cable wide-band or optical fiber cable, the examination and inspection institute shall charge fees according to the standard charging table.
After completion of installation of building-telecommunication-equipment, the fees of inspection shall be collected according to the cable category that applicants applies. However, if the cable wide-band and optical fiber cable were installed in the same building at the same time, the inspection institute shall only charge the fee of inspection based on the cable wide-band only.
Article 5
When applicant applies for examining design drawing of building-telecommunication-equipment due to change of design of the telecommunication equipment of the building, the examination fee shall be collected with only 80% of the amount according to the standard charging table.
The “change of design” prescribed in above paragraph shall mean any one of the following situations:
The need of redesign of telecommunication equipment due to the change of number of stories of the building.
The need of redesign of telecommunication equipment due to the usage of the building has been changed.
The location of the telecommunication room locates in a different floor level as the floor plan.
The location of the telecommunication room locates in a different floor level as the floor plan.
Article 6
Applicants applies for reissuance or replacement of the certificate of building-telecommunication-equipment due to lost, breakage or revision the contents of the certificate, the applicant shall pay the certificate fee based on the standard charging table.
Article 7
These Standards shall come into force upon the date of promulgation.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations