Print Date:113/07/16 17:53

1. Purpose:
This guideline is established to benefit the administrative departments of Telecommunications for the DGT in three regions by executing an inspection of radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network.
2. Applicable Range:
The ranges of executing an inspection pursuant to this Guideline include radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network (including General Radio Station, Mobile Radio Station, Satellite Ground Radio Station and Satellite Mobile Radio Station).
3. Inspection Items and Criteria:
(1) The items of radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall be inspected as Attachment One: An Inspection Table of Radio Station for Academic, Educational or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunications Network; the items of mobile radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunications network shall be inspected as Attachment Two: An Inspection Table of Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunications Network Mobile radio station. Inspection criteria of each item are as follows:
1. Address of Radio Station: The address of radio station must conform to that approved to establish.
2. Radio equipment type, brand and model number shall conform to the items approved.
3. Antenna Limitation: According to a sign of air barriers and the installation of lamps, an altitude of antenna structures that exceed 60m over the ground must install air color labels and identification lamps.
4. Emission Frequency: means frequency approved by the DGT. The tolerance shall conform to Article 19 in Administrative Regulations On Radio Waves.
5. Transmission Power: Averaged power shall not exceed approved one.
6. Operation Bandwidth: Operation bandwidth shall not exceed the approved one.
7. Spurious Emission: Second harmonic power shall conform to Article 20 in Administrative Regulations On Radio Waves.
(2) The items of satellite ground radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall be inspected as Attachment Three: An Inspection Table of Satellite Ground Radio Station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network; the items of satellite mobile radio station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall be inspected as Attachment Four: An Inspection Table of Satellite Mobile Radio Station for Academic and Educational , or Experimental ,Research and Development Telecommunication Network. Inspection criteria of each item are as follows:
1. Address of Radio Station: Allow using pursuant to this Guideline (1)-1.
2. Brand and model number of high power amplifier shall conform to the items approved.
3. Antenna Limitation: Allow using pursuant to this Guideline (1)-3.
4. Transmission bandwidth, received bandwidth and output power of high power amplifier shall conform to the items approved.
5. Emission Frequency: means frequency approved by the DGT. The tolerance of frequency shall conform to Article 19 in Administrative Regulations On Radio Waves.
6. Spurious Emission: Spurious Emission power shall conform to Article 20 in Administrative Regulations On Radio Waves.
4. Inspection Manners:
(1) Live inspection: Radio station shall be inspected at the installed address (That’s the address that is filled in application form of the establishment for radio station); an inspection of mobile radio station shall take job functions to inspect on site, and may be inspected at one place in accordance with the working regions.
(2) Dispatch Inspection: Portable and vehicle-type radio stations shall be gathered up or delivered in batches to inspect by region regulatory station, so as to benefit allocation of the working units.
(3) Sampling Inspection: When quantities of radio station with the same case are applied, the region regulatory station may carry out sampling inspection with sampling criteria as Attachment 5.
(4) Special Inspection: If off-shore island or high mountain where to establish the address of fixed station or base station can’t reach by the vehicles, a dispatch inspection shall be carried out prior to the establishment as well as devices shall be inspected and provided with information and photographs to dispatch a inspection after the establishment.
(5) Re-inspection: If the inspection results are unacceptable, re-inspection shall be applied once by notification to improve.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations