Print Date:113/07/27 07:32

I. Legal Basis
The Specifications are established based on Article 41-1 of the Rules for Engineering Technology of Cable Radio and Television System (referred to as the Rules hereafter).
II. Purposes of Examination
(1) To protect subscribers' interests: to enforce the management of system signal transmission quality to the protection of subscribers' interests.
(2) To maintain public safety: to prevent accidents such as wave leaks, lightning strikes or electric shocks.
(3) To accelerate the digitalization of cable television service.
III. Examination Requirements
(1) Requirements for examination of newly established systems
1. Documentation required
1.1 Photocopy of establishment permit;
1.2 Work examination application (Table 1);
1.3 Examination record;
1.4 Description of layout and usage of head-end equipment;
1.5 Diagram showing the distribution network (including name of streets) with the scale no less than 1/1000 on a 50 × 50 grid.
1.6 Project manager's resume and other document(s) of proof required (Table 2)
1.7 System test equipment (Table 3)
1.8 Document of rental if the distribution network is provided by a Type I Telecommunications Enterprise or other system provider in form of rental.
Only the distribution network diagram is to be provided in areas of no arrival for a reason.
2. Items of system work to be examined:
2.1 Analogue system
2.1.1 Frequency stability of head-end equipment (Table 4)
2.1.2 Frequency response of head-end television modulator (Table 5)
2.1.3 Frequency response of head-end television frequency converter (Table 6)
2.1.4 Differential gain and differential phase of head-end television modulator (Table 7)
2.1.5 Grounding resistance (Table 8)
2.1.6 Wave leakage (Table 9)
2.1.7 Carrier level, carrier frequency, carrier to noise ratio, carrier composite beat ratio, cross modulation ratio, carrier hum noise modulation ratio, carrier beat ratio, Subscriber terminal isolation, distribution network frequency response, radio bands prohibited for signal transmission (Table 10)
2.1.8 Fixed-address encoding (Table 11)
2.1.9 Sound level of commercials at subscriber end (Table 12 and 13)
2.2 Digital system per DVB-C standard
2.2.1 Grounding resistance (Table 8)
2.2.2 Wave leakage (Table 9)
2.2.3 Sound level of commercials at subscriber end (Table 12 and 13)
2.2.4 Resolution and number of frames of the head-end programs on digital television (Table 14)
2.2.5 Digital television program rating (Table 15)
2.2.6 Signal level, modulation error ratio, bit error ratio, signal level between adjacent digital television channels, signal level difference in 90MHz band, radio bands prohibited for signal transmission (Table 16)
2.3 Digital system per IPTV standard
2.3.1 Grounding resistance (Table 8)
2.3.2 Sound level of commercials at subscriber end (Table 12 and 13)
2.3.3 Resolution and number of frames of the head-end programs on digital television (Table 14)
2.3.4 Digital television program rating (Table 15)
2.3.5 Signal quality at subscriber end (Table 17)
3. Items of examination for areas of no arrival for a reason:
3.1 Signal quality at subscriber end
3.1.1 Analogue system (Table 18)
3.1.2 Analogue and digital dual system per DVB-C standard (Table 20)
3.1.3 Digital system per DVB-C standard (Table 16)
3.1.4 Digital system per IPTV standard (Table 17)
3.2 Examination of grounding resistance value at subscriber end
3.3 Wave leakage (exempted for digital system per IPTV standard)
3.4 Examination of grounding resistance value at secondary machine room(s) of cable television service (exempted for those without secondary machine room)
4. Examination procedure for network signal quality and equipment:
4.1 Determination of number of examination points: at least 6 points shall be taken for examination based on the number of villages/boroughs in the examination area as per ordinary level 1 of AQL 4.0 standard. In addition, for the distribution network for which microwave is used for transmission, one additional examination point shall be taken at the end of that microwave transmission network. One examination point is taken from every sub-carrier station for the areas of no arrival for a reason, and up to 6 points can be taken.
4.2 Selection of locations for examination: as the village/borough for examination are determined based on the number of villages/boroughs in the examination area as per ordinary level 1 of AQL 4.0 standard, the central competent authority shall select one point randomly from the end of distribution network established for the village/borough selected.
4.3 Preparation before examination:
4.3.1 The project manager (or his/her substitute) of the system operator shall present at the examination site.
4.3.2 Selection of channels: 5 channels shall be selected for each examination point for systems with bandwidth smaller than 750MHz. For bandwidth greater than 750MHz, one additional channel shall be selected for every additional 100MHz. The bandwidth less than 100MHz is considered 100MHz.
4.3.3 The channels shall be selected by the operator using a computer generated random number table. Reselection is required for any of the following:
(1) The pilot channel of distribution network is elected; or
(2) Channels of adjacent frequencies are selected.
4.3.4 Encoder used to lock the encoded channels.
4.3.5 The system operator shall prepare the number of taps equal to that of examination points.
4.4 Head-end tests:
4.4.1 Analogue system: In case that the test result exceeds requirement, the system operator shall request for a retest on the same day after making appropriate adjustment of the head-end equipment. Retesting can be performed no more than 2 times. However, if it is impossible to retest on the same day for a cause attributable to the system operator, the operator shall submit a written report. The channels selected for which the frequency converter and modulator are connected in series shall be tested together.
4.4.2 Digital system: In case that it is impossible to play programs of both HD and standard definition within the test period, the test of television program resolution and number of frames shall be performed after a channel is selected for programming. In case that it is impossible to play programs of all ratings within the test period, the test of television program rating shall be performed after a channel is selected for programming.
4.5 Signal quality test at subscriber end:
4.5.1 The signal quality at the subscriber end shall be tested at the terminal point of subscriber.
4.5.2 The end of distribution network established the village/borough is the location of examination as the village/borough for examination are determined based on the number of villages/boroughs in the examination area as per ordinary level 1 of AQL 4.0 standard. For systems adopting DVB-C standard, the test shall be performed on subscriber tap or at the subscriber end. For system adopting IPTV standard, the test shall be performed at the testing point of subscriber (i.e. the remote access equipment located at subscribers' building end, roadside end or subscriber end for subscriber terminal equipment interconnection).
4.5.3 The system operator may add attenuator on the subscriber tap as practically needed to meet the need for signal measurement by bringing the carrier level of analogue images to 0~14 dBmV or that of digital images to -12~+15 dBmV.
4.5.4 In case that the test result fails to meet the requirements of the Specifications, the system operator shall improve before the entire examination is completed and may request for a retest. The retesting is performed by re-measuring all the parameters of the channel(s) selected by failing the previous test. However, the number of points improved for retesting shall not exceed 20% of total number of examination points (after rounded up), or the examination fails.
4.5.5 The subscriber terminal isolation is tested manually. The system operator shall disconnect the existing taps for testing.
4.6 Grounding resistance test:
4.6.1 Head-end grounding resistance: the head-end equipment of system shall have grounding protection to protect the safety of people and equipment. The grounding resistance of the grounding device used shall be smaller than 15ohms.
4.6.2 Installation of grounding device: the system operator shall specify the grounding resistance value, installation method (stating whether grounding is shared among separate groups) and total number of grounding points on the distribution network diagram submitted for examination. The examiner of central competent authority shall perform ordinary level 2 examination as per the AQL 4.0 standard. In case that the grounding is not installed as shown on the distribution network diagram submitted, the examination will stop as soon as the number of failures is identified. This also applies to failures of grounding for the part where the actual number of grounding points exceeds that reported for examination. The system operator may perform improvement while other items are being examined and request for selection of locations for reexamination. For the improvement of the 2 items mentioned above, the improvement performed shall not be more than 2 times for each item. The location of reexamination will be selected by the examiner of the central competent authority evenly across the areas reported for examination.
4.6.3 Value of grounding resistance: the examiner of central competent authority will select the locations for measurement based on th3e principles described below. In case that the measurement of grounding resistance fails to meet the requirements, the system operator may perform improvement while other items are being examined before the examination resumes. The number of locations for improvement and re-measurement shall not exceed 20% of the total number of locations selected for examination (after rounded up) or the examination fails.
4.6.4 Principles and requirements for selecting examination locations: 10% of grounding points across the area reported for examination are randomly selected. In principle no more than 30 points will be selected. The grounding resistance test is considered failing to meet the requirement of this section if the grounding resistance of an examination point or the way grounding device is installed fails to meet any of the following requirements. Aerial wires shall be grounded at the span wire on the following poles (with grounding resistance < 50Ω):
(1) Poles with underground lifting pipe;
(2) Poles with amplifier and power supply for cable television;
(3) Shared poles with power transformer;
(4) The first and last poles along every section of aerial wire; and
(5) One of every 10 poles in case that none of the above occurs in 10 or more consecutive poles in a section of aerial wire. Outdoor taps or access point shall be grounded as close to building as possible with grounding resistance smaller than 100Ω. For grounded taps, no more than 3 subscribers may share one grounding device provided that the safety of subscribers within the network coverage area is ensured. For taps installed on poles, each of the taps shall be grounded. For wall-mounted distribution network, one grounding device may be shared by 3 taps. However, at least one grounding device is required for single houses or row houses. The grounding devices mentioned shall not be shared with other service (e.g. power, telecommunication or other system operators). Multiple taps or taps and amplifiers connected in series with wire less than 50cm in length are considered as a single tap. However, the smallest of the standard values of all the taps sharing the same grounding device takes the precedence for the examination criteria.
4.7 Wave leakage test:
4.7.1 The test is performed using a wave leakage tester which shall be calibrated with a RF signal generator approved by the central competent authority prior to the test.
4.7.2 Prior to the test, the examiner of central competent authority will assign a carrier for wave leakage identification. The system operator sends out the test signal from the head end. The strength of transmission shall be the same as that of video carrier of other channels.
4.7.3 While testing for leakage, the system operator shall attach the signal strength meter at the end of network to be tested to ensure that the signal strength of the wave leakage identification carrier is the same as those of other channels.
4.7.4 The system operator shall maintain the original status of the distribution network while testing for leakage without disconnecting any subscriber in the network. For a new system without any subscriber, random examination(s) may be performed by the central competent authority in a year from the beginning of the system being officially online.
4.7.5 For excessive wave leakage, the system operator shall identify the location of leakage and improve the leakage under the witness of the examiner of the central competent authority.
5. Notes for examination:
5.1 See Attachment 1 for the exemplary testing method for cable broadcast and television system examination.
5.2 See Attachment 2 for example of examination test setups.
5.3 For failures in network signal examination, the system operator may apply for second or third examination to the central competent authority within the legally required examination period after improvement. For failures in signal quality examination, the examination points for second or third examination will be selected by the central competent authority and the points selected shall cover at least 1/4 of the points having experienced failures in the first examination.
5.4 The examination process shall be made accessible to the public.
5.5 In case that the measurement terminal is equipped with power supply, the system operator shall install a circuit breaker.
5.6 The examinations at head end and subscriber points are in principle to be performed using automatic testing.
5.7 The project manager of the system operator shall be present at the site throughout the examination.
5.8 The operator to be examined shall have a complaint phone line for subscribers during the examination, and the records shall be kept for at least 3 months.
5.9 While measuring at the subscriber end, the system operator shall provide the power supply for instruments and the connection lead(s) with an effective length from the selected taps or subscriber test points to the engineering testing vehicle.
5.10 The examiner of central competent authority shall fill out a record sheet with measurements and compare them against the current corrected standard values (including errors; see Table 27) for identification of qualification or failure.
5.11 For instrument calibration, the system operator may send their instruments to a Level 2 domestic calibration institution for calibration.
5.12 During the wave leakage test, the system operator shall send a carrier signal at the frequency assigned by the central competent authority at the head end and add the modulation of ID signal. The signal strength shall be the same as that of video carrier signals on other channels.
5.13 In case that the examination fails due to an irresistible cause occurring at the testing points on the day of examination, the central competent authority may be joined by the system operator to find out the cause and approve a re-examination on the test points selected this time.
5.14 For the principle of being fair, just and open, cable broadcast and television associations (societies) and other system operators may have representatives to visit the process while the central competent authority performs the examination. However, such a visit shall not interfere with the progress of examination. For any interference that has impact to the ongoing examination, the examiner of central competent authority may ask the visitor to leave immediately. Such an interference that persists will be prosecuted for interference with public function.
5.15 In case that there are 2 or more system operators in a single operation zone, the grounding equipment and distribution network shall not be shared.
(2) Requirements for examinations of addition or switching to analogue television channels
1. Items to be examined: video carrier, carrier noise and 90MHz flatness (Table 19)
2. Documents required: detail drawing or electronic file of distribution network, the catalogue of all the taps used in the distribution network (including isolation values) and number of village/boroughs reported for examination.
3. Principles for channel examination:
3.1 For frequencies below 550MHz, one channel shall be selected from each of high, medium and low bands; for frequencies above 550MHz, one channel shall be selected for every 100MHz. The bandwidth less than 100MHz is considered 100MHz.
3.2 Low band: one channel to be selected from below channel 13 (video carrier 211.25MHz); one that has no signal in the VBI and at a lower frequency should be selected.
3.3 Medium band: one channel to be selected between channel 33 and 43; one that is close to channel 38 (video carrier 307.2625MHz) and has no signal in the VBI should be selected.
3.4 High band: a channel that is above channel 70 (video carrier 499.25MHz) and has no signal in the VBI should be selected.
3.5 For channels above 550MHz, one with a higher frequency should be selected for every 100MHz.
4. Other notes to be followed:
4.1 The cable broadcast and television system operators that apply for switching digital television channels to analogue channels or increasing frequency bands for analogue television channels shall prepare the detail drawing or electronic file of distribution network, the catalogue of all the taps used in the distribution network (including isolation values) for examination. For examination, a television signal required by the Specifications shall be sent at the head end for the channel(s) to be added.
4.2 Number of examination points selected: at least 6 points shall be selected for the villages/boroughs reported for examination according to the special testing level S-2 of the AQL 4.0 standard.
4.3 In case that test result fails to meet the requirements of the specifications, the system operator shall improve before requesting for re-examination. However, the number of points improved for retesting shall not exceed 20% of total number of examination points (after rounded up), or the examination fails.
(3) Requirements for examination of addition or change to digital television channels
1. Items to be examined: signal level at subscriber end, modulation error ratio, bit error rate, baud rate, signal level between adjacent digital television channel, difference of signal level in 90MHz band, difference of signal level when analogue television channel is adjacent to digital television channel and 90MHz flatness (for analogue channels only) (Table 20)
2. Number of examination points selected: at least 6 points shall be selected for the villages/boroughs reported for examination according to the special testing level S-2 of the AQL 4.0 standard.
3. Documents required: catalogue and instructions for the new or changed digital broadcasting equipment, detail drawing or electronic file of distribution network, number of villages/boroughs reported for examination, and self-examination checklist showing that the end of every optical fiber sub-carrier station network meets terminal signal quality criteria if the bandwidth requested for is less than 860MHz.
4. Principles for channel examination:
4.1 For frequency above 550MHz, one channel with the highest frequency shall be selected for every 100MHz.
4.2 For frequency below 550MHz, one channel shall be selected for each of the high, medium and low bands; low band: video carrier 211.25MHz and below; medium band: video carrier between 217.25MHz and 385.2625MHz; high band: video carrier between 391.2625MHz and 547.25MHz.
5. Instruments required:
5.1 DVB-C signal analyzer for digital television
5.2 Spectrum analyzer。
5.3 Digital set-top box and television set
5.4 1-to-3 distributor x 1
6. Test steps:
6.1 See Figure 12 of Attachment 2 for test setup.
6.2 Adjust the DVB-C signal analyzer for digital television as follow:
Baud rate: Adjust based on the system operator's settings; must be < 5.217Mbaud.
Center frequency of carrier: center frequency of the channel to be tested.
Signal type: 64 or 256QAM.
Signal level: Use spectrum analyzer (spectrum resolution width 300 kHz) for testing. Initiate noise marker function to measure center frequency, signal level = carrier (dBm/Hz)+10×log[baud/Hz] or observe the signal level of the DVB-C signal analyzer for digital television. The signal level measured shall be subtracted with the distributor loss or the level shall be measured without going through distributor.
Modulation error ratio: Observe the measurement of modulation error ratio after the baud rate is set.
6.3 As the wiring is completed, turn off the digital signal bit error rate tester for10 seconds and turn on to measure for 10 minutes. Document its bit error rate.
6.4 Scan the 90MHz flatness of analogue channel with the spectrum analyzer (spectrum resolution width 300 kHz).
6.5 Check if the television video and audio are normal after decoding.
7. Other notes to be followed:
7.1 The cable broadcast and television system operators that apply for switching analogue television channels to digital channels or increasing frequency bands for analogue television channels shall prepare the detail drawing or electronic file of distribution network, the catalogue of all the taps used in the distribution network (including isolation values) for examination. For examination, a television signal required by the Specifications shall be sent at the head end for the channel(s) to be added.
7.2 The number of points selected for examination shall be determined according to the Specifications. The central competent authority shall select the points evenly across the areas reported for examination. The Government Information Office and local governments may cooperate the effort.
7.3 In case that test result fails to meet the requirements of the specifications, the system operator shall improve before requesting for re-examination. However, the number of points improved for retesting shall not exceed 20% of total number of examination points (after rounded up), or the examination fails.
8. Requirements for examination of digital signals of digital television channels as per IPTV specifications:
8.1 Items to be examined: clocking criteria for down-going digital signal programs, down-going digital signal packet loss, and uplink signal rate (Table 17)
8.2 Random examination is practiced. The central competent authority shall determine the number of examination points based on the total number of households reported by the applicant according to the normal examination method of qualified quality level 4.0. The points selected shall be distributed evenly across every distribution point or optical fiber sub-carrier station. Subscriber access points are selected for signal quality examination with the normal examination method of qualified quality level 4.0 as the qualification criteria.
8.3 Other notes to be followed:
8.3.1 As distribution points or optical fiber sub-carrier stations are selected as subscriber measurement points, the examiner of central competent authority shall inform the applicant before the noon of the day prior to the examination day in order to allow the applicant to make appropriate arrangement for the examination.
8.3.2 The applicant shall assign the project manager or authorized engineer to present throughout the examination, and have a crew to operate equipment in order to assist the examiner of central competent authority for the examination.
8.3.3 In case those special specifications are involved in the hardware and software required for the test during the engineering examination and not available in Taiwan, the central competent authority may ask the applicant to provide.
8.3.4 In case that test result fails to meet the requirements of the specifications, the system operator shall improve before requesting for re-examination. However, the number of points improved for retesting shall not exceed 20% of total number of examination points (after rounded up), or the examination fails.
(4) Requirement for examination of change of fixed-address encoding equipment
1. Items to be examined: video encoding, audio encoding and occupation of prohibited channels (Table 11)
2. Documents required: catalogue and instructions of new or changed fixed-address encoding equipment (including fixed-address encoding structure block diagram, fixed-address encoding subscriber capacity, waveforms, downlink of access signal and audio encoding)
3. Principle for channel examination:
3.1 Article 41 of the Cable Radio and Television Act specifies to measure all channels that must be encoded. For any channel that fails to meet the criteria of the Specifications, the fixed-address encoding of the system is considered not meeting the requirements of the specifications.
3.2 Only 9 channels are selected for examination if there are more than 9 encoded channels. In principle even distribution in low, medium and high bands frequency bands is preferred for the selection of channels for examination.
4. Examination:
4.1 Requirements for instruments:
4.1.1 Spectrum analyzer
4.1.2 Television set x 3
4.1.3 1-to-4 distributor x 1
The system operator is to provide the appliances above.
4.2 Test steps:
4.2.1 See Figure 11 of Attachment 2 for test setup.
4.2.2 The system operator shall identify in advance the address at which the set-top box will be installed.
4.2.3 The system operator shall enter the address at the fixed-address encoding controller at head end to allow individual actions of set-top box.
4.2.4 Observe that the audio and video signals are encoded at the encoded television.
4.2.5 Measure the fixed-address signals with an spectrum analyzer to see if any prohibited channel is occupied.
5. Other notes to be followed:
5.1 No signal shall be transmitted at frequency bands between 74 and 76MHz and between 108 and 138 MHz unless otherwise approved by the central competent authority with no concern of flight safety.
5.2 The images and voices transmitted through an encoded channel shall not be viewed and listened, respectively, without decoding.
5.3 The signal quality after decoding shall meet the requirements of the Specifications.
5.4 For systems switching to digital fixed-address encoding, the central competent authority will conduct document review in principle. Confirmation on site will be conducted when necessary.
(5) Requirements for examination of the use of channel 19
1. Items to be examined: sine/cosine wave generator, function and spectrum of wave leakage tester, whether television reception is affected, whether identification signals occupy an existing television spectrum, and whether the wave leakage tester functions normally (Table 21)
2. Documents required: manufacturer of the sine/cosine wave generator (including model, serial number, waveforms that can be generated, frequency range, output signal modulation, signal strength and frequency error), catalogue of wave leakage tester (stating serial number of tester, measurement bandwidth, measurement frequency range and identification of labels), frequency(s) intended for testing wave leakage; the system operator may submit equipment document(s) related to the wave leakage testing instrument without compromising the normal functioning of the instruments, and may transmit wave testing signals by adding identification label in the video carrier of existing analogue television program channels with the approval of central competent authority.
3. Principles of examination:
3.1 Check and document the manufacturer, model, look and serial number of signal generator provided by the system operator.
3.2 Check and document the manufacturer, model, look and serial number of wave leakage tester provided by the system operator.
3.3 The sine/cosine wave generator and the wave leakage tester shall meet the following:
3.3.1 For the sine/cosine wave signals transmitted, the frequency offset shall be within 20Hz;
3.3.2 The harmonic waves shall not interfere with the original program signals; and
3.3.3 The function of adding and identifying labels shall be provided.
3.4 Set up the signal generator. Adjust the frequency and power of wave leakage identification signals transmitted from the head end. Measure the identification signals with spectrum to see if the existing program channel is occupied and print out.
3.5 Connect television and observe if the existing television program is interfered.
3.6 Measure with the wave leakage tester and confirm that the tester functions properly.
4. Other notes to be followed:
4.1 For an operation zone in which there are 2 or more system operators, the application shall be filed after coordination is made for the different frequencies or methods used for the wave leakage testing.
4.2 For change of method for wave leakage testing, the documents mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be submitted to the central competent authority for re-application. The central competent authority will conduct document review in principle. Confirmation on site will be conducted when necessary.
(6) Requirements for examination of change of network structure
1. Documents required:
1.1 Change of network structure and description.
1.2 Detail drawing(s) of distribution network to be changed or electronic files.
2. Notes to be followed:
2.1 In case that the change involves only improve of network performance by changing amplifiers into optical fiber sub-carrier stations rather than the routing of the original network, the National Communications Commission will perform only document review or confirmation on site for equipment and its location.
2.2 In case that the routing of existing system network has been changed and the number of optical fiber sub-carrier stations is reduced so that each station will cover more subscribers, the quality of analogue and digital signals shall be re-examined as per sections III, (2) and (3) of the Specifications to protect the interests of subscribers.
(7) Requirements for examination of local drops
1. Items to be examined: video carrier level, level of noise ingress local drops, ingress noise ratio of the carrier of local drops (Table 22)
2. Principle of examination:
2.1 Examination is required when subscribers complain about poor signal quality and it is confirmed that the transmission signal quality at the subscriber taps meets requirements or when the competent authority deems necessary to protect the interests of subscribers.
2.2 To avoid infringement of the privacy of subscribers, the measurement of ingress noise ratio of the carrier of local drops will only be conducted with the approval of subscribers.
3. Principle for selecting channels for examination:
Channels that must be measured: CH13 (210~216MHZ), CH33 (276~282MHZ), CH95 (90~96MHZ), CH96 (96~102MHZ), CH97 (102~108MHZ) and HF channel (550MHZ~)
4. Test method
4.1 Instruments required:
4.1.1 Spectrum analyzer (with a resolution bandwidth of 300 kHz)
4.1.2 Signal generator
4.2 Test steps: see Figure 13 of Attachment 2 for test setup.
4.2.1 Program the spectrum analyzer as follows: Resolution bandwidth: 300 kHz Video bandwidth: 100 Hz (do not exceed 300 Hz) Vertical scale: 10 dB/grid Horizontal scale: 1 MHz/grid Scan time: set at automatic.
4.2.2 Adjust the analyzer to the center frequency of the channel to be tested.
4.2.3 Adjust the channel to be tested without modulation (for the purpose of this test, do not select the carrier used for automatic gain control or automatic slope control).
4.2.4 Fine-tune the analyzer to obtain the maximum reading of the video carrier. Document this value as the carrier level.
4.2.5 Turn off the carrier to be tested and fine-tune the analyzer (resolution bandwidth = 30K) to obtain the ingress noise. Document the maximum reading within the 5 MHz bandwidth of the center frequency of the channel to be tested. This value is the strength of ingress noise in the 6 MHz bandwidth. The difference between the ingress noise and carrier level shall be greater than 54dBmv.
4.2.6 Adjust the analyzer and observe all channels for any signal of other ingress noise.
4.2.7 If other ingress signals are detected, repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 to obtain the largest of test values.
5. Other notes to be followed:
5.1 The measurement of local drop is performed at the nearest output terminal indoor, not including all the signal cables after indoor tap.
5.2 The local drops from subscriber tap to television set are normally provided by system operators at installation. Therefore, the system operators are obligated for maintenance. For cables prepared by a building, the ownership of the cables is involved and disputes are frequent regarding the responsibility of maintenance. However, when the reception quality at subscriber end is found unacceptable, the system operator shall try to improve. Punishment will be exempted in case that signal interference persists after change of cables and such interference is found not attributable to the system operator. In addition, in case that a subscriber agrees to waive improve for any reason and signs a cable broadcast and television subscriber waiver for local drop (see Table 23 for an example), the change of cable may be excused.
(8) Requirements for examination of the sound level of programs and commercials
1. Total number of program channels examined: the total numbers of analogue program channels and digital program channels are calculated based on the program schedule provided by the system operator. 10% of analogue and digital program channels are selected after rounding up. The total numbers of analogue and digital program channels to be examined are determined.
2. Principles for selection of program channels:
2.1 Program channels that are complained about abnormal sound level or loud commercials: 2 program channels are selected in principle.
2.2 Program channels on which commercials are produced or outsourced by the system operator: 2 program channels are selected in principle.
2.3 Program channel of must-carry digital radio station: 1 program channel is selected in principle.
2.4 For the rest, the examiner of NCC will select one or more program channels based on types (e.g. drama, cartoon, movie, sports, recreation, news, etc.) and popularity at the time of examination.
3. Principle for examination of sound level of commercials at the subscriber end equipment (Tables 12 and 13):
3.1 Record with a recorder and analyze the maximum sound level (expressed as Advertising_Lmax) and equivalent energy level (expressed as Advertising_Leq) of commercials during the commercial period. Select the programs adjacent to the commercial period to be tested on the left and right and measure the two maximum sound levels of the left and right adjacent programs (expressed as Left_Program_Lmax and Right_Program_Lmax, respectively); select the equivalent time (T) of the commercial to be tested for the left and right adjacent programs of the commercial period to be tested and measure the two equivalent sound levels of the equivalent time (T) of the left and right adjacent programs (expressed as Left_Program_Leq and Right_Program_Leq, respectively).
3.2 Equivalent energy sound level (Leq): the average energy level measured from the sound level in a specific time period.
Maximum sound level (Lmax): the maximum sound level measured in a specific time period.
4. Other notes to be followed:
4.1 The sound signals output from digital set-top box (digital program channel) or analogue set-top box (analogue set-top box) shall be input directly into the sound level recorder. The sampling frequency of the sound level recorder shall be greater than 40 kHz. Unweighted data and recordings shall be documented.
4.2 The selection of dynamic characteristics of the recorder shall be set at fast.
4.3 The sound level is in dB(A), where the A in parentheses refers to the A frequency weighting in CNS 7129.
(9) Requirements for examination of experimental areas for digital cable radio
1. The announcement of NCC shall be followed for the applications for the experimental areas for digital cable radio.
2. The system operator shall prepare the list of subscribers in the experimental area (including the name of subscribers, address of installation, number of television sets per household and number of digital set-top boxes) and submit to NCC for approval. In addition, the system operator shall prepare the installation information of subscribers for NCC's review of documents. However, review over telephone or on site may be performed when necessary, and examination may be conducted according to the special testing level S-2 of the AQL 4.0 standard (Table 24).
(10) Requirements for examination of digital television program resolution and frame number
1. Items to be examined: digital television head-end program resolution and frame number (Table 14).
2. Principle for selection of program channels: one program channel shall be selected for every resolution, including standard definition (720×480i or greater) and high definition (1280×720p or greater).
3. Principle of examination:
3.1 Check and document the resolution and frame number of the selected program channel(s) of the system operator.
3.2 Connect the streaming signal analyzer. Measure the resolution and frame number of elementary stream (ES) using the streaming signals encoded at head end.
4. Other notes to be followed: in case that it is impossible to broadcast high definition and standard definition at the same time during the test period, either one may be selected for programming before examining the resolution and frame number of television programs.
(11) Requirements for examination of digital television program rating functions
1. Items to be examined: Rating functions of digital television program (Table 15)
2. Documents required: Catalogue and instructions of set-top box
3. Principle for selecting program channels: one program channel shall be selected for every rating according to the "Rules Governing Television Program Rating" except general rating.
4. Principle of examination:
4.1 Check and document the program channels of the system operator selected for examination, and test the set-top boxes of every manufacturer and model.
4.2 Connect the streaming signal analyzer. Check the rating of the program in the parental rating description in the event information table (EIT) using the streaming signals encoded at head end.
4.3 Connect set-top box and television set and observe if the existing television programs are encoded based on ratings.
5. Other notes to be followed: in case that it is impossible to broadcast programs of all ratings at the same time during the test period, one of the ratings may be selected for programming before examining the program ratings.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations