
Amendments on Paragraph 3 and 5 of of Regulations for Applying to Register as a Telecommunications Enterprise CH

Announced Date: 113.12.12
1. 6 Articles promulgated in full by National Communications Commission (NCC) on July 7, 2020. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Bei Tze No. 10950031930. 2. 5 Articles amended and promulgated by National Communications Commission (NCC) on March 14, 2024. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Bei Tze No. 11350005750. 3.2 Articles amended and promulgated by National Communications Commission (NCC)on December 12th, 2024 Ref: Tung-Chuan-Bei Tze No. 11350039540.
3.    Those who are eligible as per Article 2 and wish to apply to register as a  telecommunications enterprise shall submit a completed application form to the competent authority. 
The following information shall be provided in the application form mentioned above: 
(1)    Name and address of applicant and its contact person: name and address of the applicant company, name, nationality, address, and national ID number, passport number or resident certificate number of its representative; for an applicant of a foreign origin, the contact person shall be a resident of Taiwan and possess a home address in Taiwan. 
(2)    Number of company or business registration document: the document proving the company or business registration shall be provided. 
(3)    Service contents and business status. 
(4)    Photocopy of the telecommunications network framework document or public telecommunications network usage certificate: the telecommunications network framework shall be graphically presented, identify self-built networks, assembled self-built networks, as well as networks built by others, and describe the complete flow of telecommunications service. A translation in Chinese shall be provided for telecommunications network frameworks in a language other than Chinese. 
The service contents and business status mentioned in Paragraph 3 of the preceding article shall be provided with the following information and relevant documents: 
(1)    Introduction to the company (business); 
(2)    The contents of telecommunications provided. The applicant that plans to provide subscriber numbers for telecommunications service shall demonstrate the name of subscriber numbers and that the subscription shall adhere to the Public Telecommunications Network Numbering Plan, Regulations for Applying and Allocating Telecommunications Numbers and Regulations Governing the Use of the Subscriber Numbers on Telecommunications Enterprises. For the resale of subscriber numbers by batch, the letter of intent from the telecommunications enterprise that receives the number shall be provided. 
(3)    Procedure to receive and process applications for telecommunications service; 
(4)    Operating procedure for service content, including a flowchart; 
(5)    Manpower allocation and system establishment; 
(6)    Document explaining how the telecom fraud prevention measures in Section 2, Chapter 2 of the Fraud Crime Hazard Prevention Act and the requirements and guidelines of competent authority on the use of telecommunications numbers are to be conducted. 
In the case of any missing document specified in the two preceding paragraphs, the competent authority shall inform the applicant to provide the required document by a given deadline; failure to do so or providing documentation that is deemed to be still incomplete shall result in the rejection of the application. 
For the change of registration, the required document(s) shall be provided within 30 days of the change taking place. 
For a telecommunications enterprise that wishes to use radio frequencies, telecommunications numbers or establish a public telecommunications network after its registration, application for allocation or approval shall be made according to the Telecommunications Management Act.    
5.    For the application form, graphic presentation and procedure, see Table1, Figure 1 and Attachment 1; for the format of the telecommunications enterprise registration certificate, see Attachment 2. 