
最新動態 - 顯示最新一年法令異動訊息

公發布日 法規類別 主旨
1. 113.07.31 法律 The National Communications Commission Organization Act
2. 113.05.13 法規命令 Regulations for the Establishment and Supervision of Communications Foundations
3. 113.04.26 法規命令 Regulations Governing the Use of the Subscriber Numbers on Telecommunications Enterprises
4. 113.03.20 法規命令 Regulations on the Methods of Broadcasting Advertisements and the Distribution and Number of Advertisements of Radio and Television Businesses
5. 113.03.20 法規命令 Regulations on the Duration of Programs and the Distribution and Number of Advertisements of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
6. 113.03.14 法規命令 Directions for Applying to Register as a Telecommunications Enterprise
7. 113.01.15 法規命令 Regulations for the Establishment and Supervision of Communications Foundations
8. 112.11.09 法規命令 Regulations Governing the Installation and Use of Ship Radio Stations
9. 112.11.09 法規命令 Regulations Governing Aircraft Radio Stations
10. 112.11.09 法規命令 Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of the Dedicated Taxi Telecommunications Network